My Life Timeline

  • My sister was born

    Nine minutes later my twin sister was born. We are identical twins.
  • I was born

    Nine minutes later my identical twin sister was born.
  • Period: to

    Time span

  • I Moved to Montezuma

    I Moved to Montezuma
    I moved to Montezuma. And I meet another set of twins, and we beacame best friends. Even today we still vistit frome time to time.
  • I moved to Charles City Iowa

    I moved to Charles City Iowa
    I moved to Carles City Iowa on memorial weekend. Then I started fifth grade. I moved there from Waverly after seven months.
  • I read 10,075 pages in one scool year

    I read 10,075 pages in one scool year
    The challenge of reading 10,000 pages ing a school year got me interested in books. And I descovered my love for books even more.
  • Cambrex

    Cambrex engineers came to lego league, and helped us. The made me realize I want to be an engineer, and go to RPI Institute.
  • Lightning

    Lightning struck my house. The fire department came, and checked stuff out. All was good, besides a fried DVD player and a grage door opener.
  • Track and feild

    Track and feild
    I joined track and found I love to sprint short distance. I also did the long jump. I plan on joining again.
  • I whent on a fearie ride to washionton island

    I whent on a fearie ride to washionton island
    We when on a faerie ride, and it was amazing. The island was cool, and we have boild fish for super.
  • Motorcycle accident

    Motorcycle  accident
    I witnessed my dad's motorcycle accident, and he had no helmet on. He had a level three concussion, and it taught me to not take things for granted.
  • Driving

    I want to get my driving permit. Also my motorcycle permit.
  • Mnt.kato

    I want to go skiing with my friends. I have only done it once and it was a blast.
  • Cruise ship

    Cruise ship
    I want to go on a Disney cruise. And snorkle in the ocean.
  • Graduation

    In 2020 I will graduate. But unlike most people, I will be 17 when I graduate.
  • College

    I either want to got to Iowa state or hopefully RPI to be an engineer. Either a biochemical, biomedical, or chemical engineer.
  • The voice

    The voice
    When I turn 18 I want to go on the voice . It would be amazing.
  • Married

    Hopefully I will be married. But I'm not sure exsacty when
  • Dogs

    I want to get a dog like the ones I have now which are a teadybear breed. I could also get a Maltese.
  • Fun

    I want to try indoor skydiving. I have wanted to do it since second grade.
  • Travel

    I want to go to California, or Florida to see the ocean. Because as of now I've only been to a lake or river.