The Domeier Chronicles

  • My Birth !

    My Birth !
    I was born on April 22nd of 2004 at Saint Mary's Hospital in Grand Rapids. My umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck; other than that it was a perfect delivery.
  • Period: to

    The Domeier Chronicles

  • Family was Complete

    Family was Complete
    Although Kevy was supposed to be the last one, I showed up to complete our family of 6. We got in trouble with dad when mom wasn't home and learned rather quickly that you do not talk back to mom. It was the beginning of the Domeier Chronicles.
  • Homemade Blankets

    Homemade Blankets
    One of the traditions that my family has is receiving homemade blankets from our Aunt Glena who lives in Missouri. We still have every blanket that she has ever sent us!
  • Beginning of BCF's

    Beginning of BCF's
    Dinara and I are 11 months apart and we spent most of our time growing up together. We would deny being best friends because we were cousins and cousins can be best friends...she really is my other half.
  • United States NASA launches the New Horizons probe.

    United States NASA launches the New Horizons probe.
    NASA launches the New Horizons space probe mission to Pluto in January of 2006. The New Horizons probe was launched successfully from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The mission made a visit to Jupiter in 2007 while traveling towards Pluto where it gathered some information about Jupiter and its moons before receiving a gravity assist from the large planet and resuming its journey.
  • Disney world!

    Disney world!
    Disney World is the Domeier's favorite place to be! We have gone twice since I was born and we were scheduled to go last Spring Break but we could not due to the pandemic.
  • Swimming Lessons

    Swimming Lessons
    When I was four years old, my cousin Dinara and I started our swimming lessons once a week. Dinara's mother was my daycare provider because Dinara is 11 months younger than me. We both grew up together and learned to swim together.
  • Matching Tutu's

    Matching Tutu's
    While staying at my cousin's house for "daycare", we would perform dances in front of fake audiences and wear matching tutu's. The song was always in Spanish per my Mexican aunt's request.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    On January 20, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America, becomes the United States' first African-American president
  • Grandma and Grandpa's Lake

    Grandma and Grandpa's Lake
    All 15 of my cousins would race onto the pontoon to get the best seat. We would spend all weekend out in the sun, swimming, fishing, and riding in the paddle boat. As the years went on, fewer and fewer of my cousins will be out there. As the two youngest, Dinara and I are always attending Grandma's Sunday lunches.
  • Big Blue Pool

    Big Blue Pool
    Although it ALWAYS started an argument, the big blue pool was the Domeier girl's favorite summer activity. We would push each other around and point fingers at who was the one to pop the pool.
  • Dog Adoption

    Dog Adoption
    One day in the summer, my mother told us she was going to work. We were all a little confused because she never worked in the summer and was wearing casual clothes. She came back a few hours later with a dog in the car and we were all so excited. This is Fritz, the newest addition to our family :).
  • Costa Concordia Shipwreck

    Costa Concordia Shipwreck
    On Jan. 13, Captain Francesco Schettino steered the 60,000-ton Costa Concordia cruise ship off course; the ship capsized, becoming the largest shipwreck in history, twice the size of the Titanic at more than 900 feet long. Thirty-two people died
  • Summer Camp

    Summer Camp
    Dinara and I had never been to summer camp before and something made our parents think we would enjoy it. We didn't. We both hated it and could not wait to go home. I cried every day...
  • Chipped teeth

    Chipped teeth
    After my sister, repeatedly told me not to spin in the swivel chair, I still did it, and the consequences were permanent. I think the picture explains it all and the moral of the story is to listen to your older siblings.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Middle School honestly was a really bad experience for me. I struggled academically and socially because I had an unrealistic view of what middle school was supposed to be.
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends
    In middle school, I met my best friend, Allison Richards. We have been friends for 5 years and counting. we make each other laugh but we are also always honest to each other and know that we would rather know the truth than being comforted by a lie. I am so thankful for her and my life would be so different without her.
  • Grandmother passing

    Grandmother passing
    Although we didn't share blood and I did not call her "grandma", she was definitely part of our family. She was only in the hospital for a week before she passed but was still cracking jokes until her last goodbye. Donna was the funniest woman that our family had ever been blessed with and we missed her every day.
  • Cedar Point

    Cedar Point
    Every year, on the 4th, my family and I go to Cedar Point for 3 days. We spend 2 days in the park and the last day on the beach. We squeeze 10-15 of us in the 8 person cabin by sharing air mattresses and sleeping on futons. It is the highlight of the year for all of us and a great experience.
  • Oldest sister moved out

    Oldest sister moved out
    After 15 years of living together, my oldest sister finally moved out with her boyfriend. At first, my other sisters and I were happy she was gone but today we facetime everyday and she pleads for us to come to stay at her house.
  • Dog Showing

    Dog Showing
    With have been moved out, my sister and her boyfriend adopted a puppy. His name is Iver and he is the sweetest samoyed you'll ever meet. He also happens to be a show dog and I had a chance the show Iver while my sister showed Iver's littermate, Bellini.
  • Witnessing birth of Puppies

    Witnessing birth of Puppies
    Kashmir is the sweetest dog ever and she is really pregnant. It was about time for her to give birth to her puppies around my half birthday. I made it in time in order to see 4 of her 7 puppies be born and that was how I decided I wanted to be a veterinary technician.
  • First Job

    First Job
    At the beginning of the year, I got a job at Camp Bow Wow. It's a doggie daycare and my job is just to hang out with dogs for the day. I want to study Veterinary Medicine when I graduate and this job has been a great first step towards that goal.