My life timeline

  • Period: to

    my life

  • my brother is born

    my brother is born
    When my brother was born I was shipped around from family memebers to family members because my mom had to stay in the hosital for 3 weeks because of complications
  • I get my first dog nmed gemma

    I get my first dog nmed gemma
    When I first got a dog I was over joyed. I did every thing with gemma. It was really sad when she lost her leg because someone shot her.
  • Run my first 5k

    Run my first 5k
    This was an awspme day. I saw an old friend that moved from Charles City in Des Moines and I finished first in my age catagory.
  • I attend my first nascar race.

    I attend my first nascar race.
    This was a really fun day. I never had an interest in Nascar until I heard the sound of the engines. I got to hang out with my family that came and got a Jeff Gordon t-shirt that sparked my interest in Nascar
  • started playing piano

    started playing piano
    I am so glad I started playing the piano. I can entertain any one while playing. I also enjoy competing in the bill riley talent show.
  • I turn a decade old

    I turn a decade old
    That birthday was fun becasue my friend and I went swimming and even got to watch a scary movie. We played football outside and did a hole bunch of other things.
  • I go to Iowa Speedway with a friend.

    I go to Iowa Speedway with a friend.
    We go free tires when we went to pit. She said she could carry hers but I end having to roll hers up a hill. Even though that sucked we still go to races every year.
  • I play basketball at IC

    I play basketball at IC
    My last year of playing basketball at IC was fun because we improved from a losing season (0-12) to a winning record (7-4)
  • I get 4.0 in school

    I get  4.0 in school
    I was so thrilled to get a 4.0 in the third trimester because I worked so hard on getting it. This year I want to have it every trimester.
  • I get my permit

    I get my permit
    Man since I got my drivers permit I have been to alot of places. THe hardest driving experience is when i drove in Des Moines during rush hour.
  • Drive down to Des Moines.

    Drive down to Des Moines.
    This was like going all 9 innings in a baseball game as a pitcher.
  • I am going to kansas speedway.

    I am going to kansas speedway.
    I can't wait to go to kansas speedway because it will be my first and last time I will get to see Jeff Gordon race.
  • Get my first job

    Get my first job
    I want to work at Fare-way next year so i can start saving for college and a car.
  • First job after college.

    First job after college.
    I start working with General Motors with Chevy. I use the mechanical engineering degree to use as I work with the Engines.
  • Get new truck for college

    Get new truck for college
    I hope I get a 2015 colorodo because I think the body style is sleck.
  • Gradutaet from Notre Dame

    Gradutaet from Notre Dame
    I have always wanted to go to school at Notre Dame so this is my looking into the future
  • I get married

    I get married
    I hope I get married someday to someone that would be loving and caring
  • Have kids

    Have kids
    I dont want to think about that yet but I do hope to have kids
  • Become CEO of the company I work for

    Become CEO of the company I work for
    I hope to work my way to a position like that. I also hope it is in the engineering catogory.
  • Travel to africa to help with mission

    Travel to africa to help with mission
    I hope that someday if I have the money that I can go and help kids in africa.
  • Get a sports car

    Get a sports car
    If i can get a sports car I would want the newest camaro.
  • start a career in arca series.

    start a career in arca series.
    I would like to give arca series a try if I can afford it.
  • Retire in style

    Retire in style
    I hope that when I retire that I can retire with out the worry of having to save money.