I was born
First Tooth
Biosocial-physical changing, got my first tooth -
Began to Crawl
Biosocial -
First Word
Cognitive- Begin Talking -
Began to Walk
Biosocial -
Met my first friend
Psychosocial- Met my best friend Lizzy who lived down the street, we are still best friends to this day -
Begin Preschool
Pyschosocial- started to make friends in school -
Started Kindergarten
Cognitive- started learning new things in class -
Got my first pet
Psychosocial- My parents gave me a kitten for Christmas, became very attached to her -
Started Roller Skating Lessons
Cognitive -
Family trip to Disneyland
Psychosocial -
Got my first training bra
Biosocial -
Had "first boyfriend"
Psychosocial -
Started Middle School
Psychosocial -
Started my period
Biosocial -
Got braces
Biosocial -
Started Highschool
Psychosocial -
Learned to drive
Cognitive -
Parents got divorced
Psychosocial -
Got my license
Cognitive -
Found out I had scoliosis
Biosocial -
Mom Remarried
Psychosocial -
Graduated Highschool
Psychosocial -
Started College at Central Michigan University
Psychosocial/Cognitive -
Gained weight while away at college
Biosocial -
Moved home from college and into my first apartment
Cognitive/Psychosocial -
Had my 21st Birthday
Psychosocial/Biosocial -
Stepdad passed away
Psychosocial -
Started Bartending at my job
Cognitive -
Moved in with my first boyfriend
Cognitive/Psychosocial -
Bought my first dog-Oscar
Cognitive -
Started going back to College
Cognitive -
Moved in with my fiance (who was my boyfriend at the time)
Psychosocial/Cognitive -
Bought mt second dog- Gabby
Cognitive -
My grandpa passed away
Psychosocial/Cognitive -
Got Engaged : )
Psychosocial -
Started working out at the gym
Biosocial -
Dealt with my fiance being an alcohol/Went to first al-anon meeting
Cognitive/Psychosocial -
Getting Married!
Psychosocial -
Going on our Honeymoon
Psychosocial -
Have a baby
Biosocial -
Graduate Nursing School
Cognitive -
Get my first nursing job
Cognitive -
Move into new house
Psychosocial -
Have second baby
Biosocial -
Pet dies
Psychosocial -
Become head nurse
Cognitive -
Dad passed away
Cognitive/Psychosocial -
Go through menopause
Biosocial -
Become a grandmother
Psychosocial -
Retire from nursing job
Cognitive -
Mom passed away
Cognitive/Psychosocial -
Moved to Florida
Psychosocial -
Hair turns gray
Biosocial -
Husband dies
Psychosocial -
Moved into nursing home
Biosocial/Psychosocial -
My death