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My life time line App English

  • My grandparents birth since 1950

    At the may 23rd, in 1950, my grand father from the family of dad, was born. He has 70 years old.
    After this, in November 11th, in 1951, my grandfather, daddy of my mom, was born. He has 68 years old.
    After that, in January 8th, from 1953, my grandmother, from the family of mom was born. She is 67 years old.
    After that, in January 29th of 1957, my grandmother, from the family of dad was born. She is 67
  • My parents wedding

    After about 6 years and some months, my parents got married. Their union started in February of the 1999 year. They met by friends, even tough my mother, in that time, was living in Cachoeira, and my dad, here in NH. They got married in Faxinal, my mother’s natural city.
  • When I was born

    In the year of 2007, my mother discovered I would be her first son, she had tried two times before me, but both died on her belly. I would born in September, but I am always in a hurry, so I born premature, about 1 month before, in August.
  • After ten days, I went home!

    In that same day, My mom did an exame, an the doctor said: “He is on the position to born, let’s do the delivery!” Then, my father and my mom, decided to do the cesarean. I stayed 10 days on UTI neo Natal, in hospital, and finally after it, I went home!
  • Schoolss

    When I aged 1 year, my family decided to add me on a school for babies called Pingo de Gente, where I made friends who I know until nowadays, since that first months on Pingo. It happened in February of 2008.
    Later, when I was 5 years old, in February 25th of 2013, I went to my first “big kids school” (how I called Oswaldo when I was young).
    Later than, I entered on my actual school, Fundação, that I entered with 12 years old. It happened on feb 17th of 2020.
  • Trip 1 To Natal!!

    Trip 1  To   Natal!!
    This trip I don’t remember very well, but I know it was amazing, we did a lot of adventures, as was just me and my parents! Natal is so beautiful, and that mangroves were amazing!
  • When I moved! AP to home!

    When I moved! AP to home!
    On the year of 2012 again, I moved from my family’s small ap to a big house, where I live ‘till today. My house is located on Hamburgo Velho, and my old ap, on the Center. As the date we moved was very close to my birthday, it was like a present for me!
  • Soccer

    Less than 1 year, in September 14th of 2012, I started on a school, where I learned who to play soccer. There, they teaches me since that day. It’s called Valdo, is society soccer, but after some years, they called me to their competition team, where I played about 4 years the field soccer!
  • My first brother

    My first brother
    In November 21st, of the year of 2012, was birthing my best friend and my first brother! He Born healthy, different than me. He, since that day, is my best friend, and probably the best birth I’ve been presented.
  • Trip 2 To Bahia

    This was very nice, I remember some things like: We stayed on a giant hotel called Costa do Sauípe; Just My family went to Salvador on the 8th day of 10; We went with a big group of friends; On the hotel, there was a big beach and there were some rupestres paints I saw!
  • Trip 3 To Foz do Iguaçu

    Trip 3 To Foz do Iguaçu
    This trip I remember better than the last one, but even tough, I don’t know all details. But for me, the best two parts of the travel were: the water falls and the Itaipu hydroelectric plant! There was an animal museum, the plant and an observatory visitation! It was amazing, as the first time I saw a planet (Saturn)!
  • Trip 4 To Santa Catarina

    I don’t know many details about this travel too, but it was incredible too! I stayed on a giant hotel with a big group of friends, who passed 10 days there! The hotel is called Costão do santinho and was so relaxing!
  • When I learned an instrument

    When I learned an instrument
    When I was a young, very young child, I got a drum, but it was so loud, my family took to my grandparents home. That day, I forgot my dream to learn how to play drums. I got, after some years, a little plastic guitar, and that thing, make me decide what instrument I would play, obviously the guitar! As I don’t remember what day I started, this date was my first family show, where me and my classmate, together with my teacher, played to our families.
  • My book

    My book
    Yes, I wrote my own book, and it wasn’t just a small and scrawled book, it was just amazing for a 4th grade class! We also did an inauguration event, where we signed a lot of books!
  • Travel 5 To Buenos Aires and Uruguay!

    Travel 5 To Buenos Aires and Uruguay!
    This travel we did by car! We started here in NH, went until Minas (Uruguay) and stayed there some days, it was so relaxing and beautiful. After that we went to Colônia de Sacramento, but didn’t stay there, we pass trough the Plata river and went to Buenos Aires! It was perfect too, after 3 days, we went to Colônia again and stayed 3 days too! At the end Montevideo, our last stop before the return! It was just amazing, one of my favourite travel ever! Imagine the beauty!
  • Little and cute

    Little and cute
    All my life I asked my family two things: A brother and a dog. I wanted to have a cute and furry dog, very small, that I could have inside home, so the best option: A Pomeranian (spitz Alemao)! He was born in august 14th, next to my birthday! Obviously he was my present!
  • Trip 6 To SP

    This was my favourite trip with school! It was amazing, you can’t imagine without going there! It’s called English camp, all 6th years do that in my school! We stayed 7 days just the children and teachers, with no parents there! We did a lot of gymkhanas in groups and was amazing!
  • My second little brother

    My second little brother
    And again, one of my biggest surprise ever. In February, I discovered my mom was pregnant. It was so weird for me, but after some days, I saw it would be so nice. I stayed nervous about my family’s finances situation, but nowadays, I learned that the most important is the love, not the money.
  • First science fair

    This was the most exited thing I did in the 6th year, it was my dream to participate. Unfortunately, I stayed sad, because I didn’t win, but even tough I didn’t win, I learned a lot, and I know my project was amazing!
  • Champion in Soccer field!!

    That day was just amazing, me and my teammates were exhausted, but we won a championship!! Was a elimination championship, where we needed to classify on first or second position and play the eights, the fourths, the semi and the finals! It was on our field, but was so difficult, and I did 2 goals!
  • My first communion

    When I was just a baby, in less then a month, I did my baptism, but in that time I didn’t have the option to do it or not. But, after about 12 years, my family and I, decided to me to do my first communion, that took me 2 years, until the day of the event, in October 27th, 1 year ago.
  • My last trip till now!

    My last trip till now!
    Maceió!! What a beautiful place, where you can have fun, relax, learn different things and stay happy!
    It was just amazing, 10 days on different beaches, Ipioca, Dunas de Marapé, Praia do Gunga, Barra de São Miguel, praia do Francês and many others!