My Life Time Line

By dmellow
  • Born

    I was born on October 16th 1997.
    The people involved were, mum, the doctors and me.
    I gained my life from this experience.
    The Aboriginal element for thsi event would be earth, becasue it is like i am a seed and only have one thing to do, which is grow.
  • Baptised

    I was baptised.
    The people involved were mum, dad, me, the preist and my God parents.
    The lesson i learnt, was that i was apart of the Catholic Church.
    The Aboriginal element for this event would be water, because i am being purified and welcomed.
  • Started Walking

    Started Walking
    I started walking.
    The person involoved was just me!
    The lessoned learnt in this event was that it is easier to get around by walking.
    The Aboriginal elemnt for this event is air, because i have th freedom to go more places without help.
  • Learnt to Ride a Bike

    Learnt to Ride a Bike
    I learnt to ride a bike up at the Murray River in Torrumbary.
    The people involved were dad and I.
    The lesson learnt is to always wear a helmet when riding a bike and that riding a bike is good and keeps you fit and you get fresh air!
    The aboriginal element for this would be air again, because i have the freedom to go more places faster.
  • Started School

    Started School
    I started school.
    The person involved was me!
    The lesson learnt was that school is a place to learn and have fun at the same time.
    The aboriginal element for this event would be earth and water, because it is like a new seed that has to grow or in this case learn, and the learning is done through the water or in this case teachers.
  • Moved Schools

    Moved Schools
    I moved schools from St. Timothy's to St. James.
    The person involved was me.
    The lesson i learnt was that its good to spread yourself around and make new friends.
    The aborginal element for this event would be earth, becasu it is like a new start, like a seed
  • Recieved First Communion

    Recieved First Communion
    I recieved my first communion.
    The people involved were me, the preist and God
    The lesson i learnt from this was that i am a more matture member of the Church.
    The Aboriginal element for this even would be water, because i grew a bit from the experience
  • Started Gymnastics

    Started Gymnastics
    I started gymnastics.
    The person involved was me.
    the lesson learnt was that it is good to try new things.
    the aboriginal elemtn for this event would beair, becasue i go a breat of new experience.
  • Recieved Confirmation

    Recieved Confirmation
    I recieved my Confirmation
    The people involved were me, the prest and the teachers.
    The experience gained in this event isthat i wa that i was a formal memebr of the catholic community.
    The aboriginal element for this experience would be fire, becasue i am being purified and welcomed into a new area of the community.
  • Started Secondary School

    Started Secondary School
    I started secondary school at emmasu college.
    The person involved was me.
    The experienced gained from this waw that i was considered a young adult.
    The aboriginal element for this event would be earth, becasue it is like a anew start.
  • Got a Job at Safeway

    Got a Job at Safeway
    i got a job at Safeway in brentford square.
    The people involved were me and the manager.
    The expereinced gained was that i am now earnign my own money and have to manage it responsibly.
    The aboriginal element for this would be water, becsaue i have more freedom to do what i want now that i am earnign money.