My Birthday
Psychosocial: Though, I wasn't born covered in a rash due to the excessvive pop my mother drank; the doctor had broke my collar bone upon delivery. According to my mother my sensitive nature, and stubborness was discovered in my refusal to wear the required neck brace. She explained my face would turn beet red, and my body would become stiff as a board once the neck brace was place securely around my neck. -
Period: to
My First Two Years
Psychosocial: I lived with my mother the first nine months, thereafter I bounced from: my grandmother and aunt on my fathers side of the family, and with my mothers oldest brother Arlan and his wife Beatty. Though, the weekends were meant for my mother and I to spend quality time; sometimes we spent friday evenings and saturday up until the evening. Depending on my mothers weekend plans, I either would spend fhe entire weekend with my uncle and his wife, or just saturday and all day sunday. -
Period: to
Early Childhood
Cognitive: My grandmother told me often that I was like the parent and my mother the child. When I visited I always packed and left nothing behind, often I would remind my mother of things she was forgetting. Psychosocial: At age five my favorite uncle Arlan died in an automobile accident. The adoption plans nor my dream of living with him, my aunt Beatty, or cousin Mark would ever become my reality. -
My Mother Purchased Her First Home, We Finally Live Together
Psychosocial: After living with different famiiy members since my birth, and only seeing my mother sometimes on the weekend, living with her was like a dream come true. -
Period: to
Middle Childhood
Psychosocial: I had a passion for dancing and singing, though, I knew the lyrics to my favorite songs, I was unable to read until the age of almost ten. Cognitive: My inability to read resulted in my having to repeat the third grade; I also failed in both the sixth and seventh grade. Psychosocial; At the age of nine we moved to a new neighbor hood, as a result of my mother working two jobs her boyfriend babysat me and thus the molestation began. -
Period: to
My Adolescent Years
Psychosocial: After four years of enduring molestation, I finally exposed my mothers boyfreind, and would discover my relationship with her would forever be altered because of it. I expected his denial, but not the accusations and name calling my mother would direct at me. After the confrontation, she had a private, calm conversation with him in his car for what seemed like hours. I would later discover they continued to secretly date. -
Birth of My First Child
Biosocial: I gave birth to my first son by cesarean because I had an under developed pelvis. Cognitive: My entire pregnancy I must have read every book on parenitng my library offered. The wealth of information supported my decision to breastfeed. -
I Gave Birth to My Second Child
Biosocial: Again I would have to give birth by cesarean section due to my my pelvic bones under development. Cognitive: The decision and ability to breastfeed my daughter as I had my son was a success, but short lived. Psychosocial: My daughter was given a bottle on our third day in the hospital, and was never again fed by breast. -
I Married My Boyfriend of Four Years
Biosocial: Prior to our marriage, we were already basically living like husband and wife. Since the birth of my son and two years into our relationship we were living together in one of his fathers rental homes. Psychosocial: My mother agreed to sign for our marriage, stating his enlistment into the army and the children and I needing security/benefits shall anything happen to him. -
I Graduate From Berkey High School
Cognitive: All my hard work paid off!! Though, my mother signed for my marriage; it was agreed I would not leave the state and reside with my husband until I graduated from high school. My last year I more than doubled up on my calsses, thus allowing me to join my husband once he completed basic training. -
Purchase of My First Car
Cognitive: Though, I am assistant store manager of Pizza Hut in Fife Washington, I deliver their pizzas on the weekends. My tips of both Friday and Saturday would average close to $200; in one weeken I would make enough to cover my car note of $190. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Psychosocial: By this time my husband, children and I have lived in Seattle for almost two years. Though, at times it rained too much, I loved our new life. Cognitive: A recent high school graduate when I arrived; my every intentions were to return home with at least an assiocates degree. Both my plans and focus changed due to my job and family committments. -
Our Family Returned to Michigan
Psychosocial: For me the return home was bitter-sweet, yet my husband was thrilled. I rather enjoyed the freedom living so many miles away from famliy afforded us. Cognitive: I learned a lot about myself: my capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. At times I missed the emotional support of our family, but not the intrution nor speculation. -
I Begin College at Oakland Community College Auburn Hills Campus
Cognitive: Though, I had attended Pierce Community College while I resided in Seattle Washington; I didn't zone in on my academic pursuits until we moved back to Michigan. -
Acceptance As A Southfield Auxiliary Police officer
Psychosocial: Though, the position is an unpaid voluntary role; I desired the experience, and felt it would support my criminal justice degree. -
I Obtain My Associates Degree In Criminal Justice
Cognitive: It took 18 months for me to obtain my degree. Psychosocial: One of my most proudest accomplishments. -
My Husband is Hired at The main Post Office (Downtown Detroit)
Psychosocial: My husbands new employment position makes it now possible for us to afford our first home. -
I Begin the Hiring Process For Chrysler Corporation
Cognitive: The desire to make an income while attending school for my bachelors degree in criminal justice I pursue employment at Chrysler. -
We Purchase Our First Home
Psychosocial: We finally accomplish our dream of obtaining home ownership!! -
My Seniority Date of Hire at Chrysler Corporation
Psychosocial: I am hired full-time on midnight shift. I recall my starting pay was $12.54; I maxed out at $29.98 years later. -
The Birth of My Third Child
Psychosocial: I experienced some difficulties duirng my pregnancy while working at the plant. yet to complete my 90 days of probation I felt it best to not disclose my pregnancy. Two months after successfully completing my probationary period I went into premature labor twice while working on the assembly line and was forced to take an early maternity leave of absence. Biosococial: Andrew my only child of four was delivered naturally June 26, 1995. -
I Lease My First Place
Psychosocial: Our inability to overcome our differences has resulted in my decision to move out. Cognitive: Quiet fearful of living alone and raising three kids I brace myself for a much different life than I imagined. -
I File For Divorce
Psychosocial: Unfortunately, though our lives had progressed; we discovered our marriage had deteriorated. Shortly after our seperation in early June I file for divorce. For nearly two years I survived his infideliaty of affair with the same woman, and his financial ruin. -
Period: to
Psychosocial: In the years of my adulthood I have experienced many moments of joy and mental anguish. Cognitive: The wisdom I have gained in both my accomplishments and failures have provided me with reflection of the person I am today. -
I Marry For The Second Time
Psychosocial: A little over a year since my divorce is final I marry my second husband. Cognitive: Years later I would discover my mistake of this decision. -
I Give Birth For The Fourth Time
Biosocial: My doctor decides to perform a cesarean section three weeks before my due date out of fear that the size may cause my uterus to burst. She weighed 10lbs. 13oz; the delivery was the most difficiult of all my childrens births. -
I File For Divorce
Biosocial: Not yet able to get around comfortably due to the opening of my cesarean sections stiches; I still find my way to my attorneys office and file for divorce two weeks after my daughters divorce. Psychosocial: My husband and I have been seperated my entire pregnancy. -
My Divorce Is Final
Psychosocial: At last, I have discovered a newfound peace of mind! No longer am I subjecting my children to an evironment nor alcoholic episodes of my ex-husband. -
I Purchase My First Truck
Biosocial: Feeling liberated; like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Cognitive: First place I went after the court house and my divorce proceedings was to the dealership where I purchased a Jeep. -
My Grandmother Passes Away
Psychosocial: My grandmother loosses her battle with cancer. Less than two years after discovering a lump in her neck, and many treatments of chemo, she dies at the age of eighty-two. I still remeber the many of nights prior to work that I would visit her. At the time I worked midnights at Chrysler; I would often arrive at the hospital with enough time to visit an hour before going to work. Considering the time, I would have both my grandmother and grandfather all to myself during my visits. -
My First Home Purchase (Solo)
Psychosocial: My children and I were so very happy! I purchased a five bedroom, two bath, finished basement, two in a half car garage home. We stayed in the area not too far from our old apartment; allowing them the opprotunity to stay within the same school district. My son was able to continue attending Berkely High and my daughter Norup Middle School. -
I Am Diaganosed With Thyroid Disease
Biosocial: The constance urination and a slew of other symptoms lead my doctor to refer me to a specialist. Though, my weight recent weight gain was lost within a matter of three weeks; for I lost 35 lbs. -
I Run My First Marathon
Cognitive: I had long ago figured if I were to continue in loosing weight; why not tone up in the process. Biosocial: Thus, began my obsession with exercising, especially running. I loved to run, and would often do so twice a day. My thyroid disorder left me with an abundance of energy more than enough to keep up with my four children. -
I Meet My Future Husband
Psychosocial: To this day my husband jokes about the coupon that brought us together. I must admit I'm most grateful for the skill taught to me by my grandmother. Had it not been for the coupon that saved me a great deal of money in repairing the muffler on my sons car; I would have never meet my third (last) husaband. -
I Work Hard For The Money
Biosocial: The beginning point of my working seven days a week for nine months; often on the weekend ten hour days. Cognitive: My goal was to purchase another home, a little less expensive monthly overhead. After the purchase of my home in 2000, I transferred to days allowing me the opportunity to spend more time with the kids. -
I Purchase My Second Home
Psychosocial: All my hard work paid off! Due to the money I earned and my other savings as a result of working crazy hours for a year; I was able to pay cash for module home in milford. Cognitive: I always wanted to life in a slower paced environment, away from the chaos, and excessive traffic. -
My Daughter Begins College
Psychosocial: Having just graduated from Berkley High in june, my daughter enrolls in Schoolcarft College to pursue her dreams of becoming a nurse. -
My Daughters First Apartment
Psychosocial: My daughter and her boyfriend of three years move into their first apartment together. She, my mother, and I had so much fun shopping for things needed for their apartment. -
My Son Joins The Navy
Psychosocial: Though, I was proud of his decision of joining the navy, I wasn't looking forward to him leaving. I literally went through something like a year worths of emotional turmoil due to his absence. I knew in my heart once he left michigan and made a life for himself elsewhere he wouldn't return to live. -
News of a Baby
Psychosocial: On mothers day my daughter announces she and her boyfriend are exspecting their first baby. Cognitive: I'm over-joyed, yet, ticked off I'm going to become a grandmother before I'm fourty! -
I Leave Chrysler
Psychosocial: Teetering off and on my plants layoff list for nearly a year; I decide to accept the company buyout. With the elimination of both the second and third shifts, the plant experienced major changes. -
My Granddaughter Is Born
PsychosociaI had the priviledge of witnessing my granddaughters birth. After hours of labor my daughter had to deliver by cesarean section. For the first year of my granddaughters life I watched her while my daughter worked and continued school. -
My Mothers Received The Gift of Life
Psychosocial: Though both my daughter and mother were in the hospital on the same day. One giving life, the other fighting for hers, my mothers liver transplant was performed at Henry Ford Hospital, whereas my daughter gave birth at Providence Park in Novi. Our entire family were trully blessed her ten hour surgery was a succsess. -
Finally I Know What I Want To Be Now That I'm Grown Up
Cognitive: Or so I thought. I attended both Oakland Community College and Schoolcrafts culinary program briefly, before discovering the production work in the kitchen was too similar to that of the plants. I honestly felt as if I had traded in my airtool for a chef knife and apron; the chaos of the professional kitchen was not my thing. -
My Childhood Dream
Cognitive: Overcoming my apprehension of the job security within the field of education I decide to change my major to early childhood development. I don't know at what moment in my life I had forgot about my childhood dream of becoming a teacher, but I am grateful to have rediscovered it. I find inspiration in a childs ability to see the world in a much different perspective than an adult. -
Acceptance Into Eastern Michigan University
Cognitive: I make plans to transfer to eastern in the fall. Prior to my transfer I will have obtained my certification allowing me to become a licensed, home childcare provider. Initially I was interested in schoolcrafts associate degree program, because a great majority of courses don't transfer I decided against it. -
Youngest Daughter Moves Out
Psychosocial: Since attending middle school my daughter has expressed her desire to live with her father. Now that she's a teenager, living/going to school in milford has become an problem. Cognitive: Guess I never phathomed race would become an issue in regards to her social development. Lets just say her tatics of moving to her fathers has put a severe strain on our relationship. -
My Promise
Cognitive: Though, I am working deligently towards obtaining my masters degree in early childhood education; I am determined to maintain a since of balance in my life. Psychosocial: Seeking/maintaining balance will allow me the abiltiy of strengthening my family's bonds and traditions. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Psychosocial: I remain committed in maintaining positive relationships with my family and friends. Activily involved in volunteering and when not gardening (a passion I've had since I was 38) I spend my time with my grandchildren. Cognitive: Preferring to reside within a naturally occuring retirement community, I'm able to stay within close distance to my family. -
Period: to
Death and Dying
Psychosocial: Prior to my death I will have reached a psychological peace in all my life's efforts. Cognitive: Plans regarding my burial will have been established/explained to my husband and children. I plan on being cremated and the exspence spared of my services aill afford the family a catered event celebrating my life and an expense paid vacation ( on my behalf) for all my children to share together.