Figured Out That I Wanted to Work in Psychology
In 2004, after wanting to be a teacher for a long time, I was exposed to the world of therapy and I knew that I wanted a career in this field one day. -
My Dad Bought His Own Business
My dad wanted to be his own boss and bought into a franchise involved in cleaning car interiors in order to make them more appealing to buyers. -
Started High School
High school is a time where a student feels more pressure to figure out what sort of career they would like to have. -
First Job- Revivals Restaurant
Bought my Car
This was the first large investment I made. At this point, I was responsible for making car payments, insurance payments, and paying for gas. These were the first bills I had. -
Reconsidered my Potential Career Path
I began reconsidering if I really wanted to pursue psychology and thought about pursuing some sort of culinary arts or restaurant management career. Although it is very normal to go through these questioning phases, I always seem to come back to psychology, so that is what I thought would be best. -
My Dad Sold his Business
After seeing all of the struggle involved in owning a business, I knew from this experience that I never wanted to have my own small business. Since this point, I also observed other people struggle with their small businesses. I decided that I never wanted to commit all aspects of my life to a business or career. -
Graduated High School
Quit Revivals
After 2 years, I left Revivals due to the bad management, extreme disorganization, and high stress. The next day, I started a new job at the VF Outlet. -
Second Job- VF Outlet
I left Revivals because of bad management and high stress. I looked forward to working for a larger corporation because I thought it would be more organized with lower stress. It was my first experience in retail. To me, I would rather be happy with low stress than make more money, which is why I took a job with lower pay. -
Started College
Began taking classes at Bucks, which also added more financial responsibility. -
Third Job- Dani's Consignment
I originally intended for this to be a side job just for the summer so that I would keep busy and make extra money by having 2 jobs. This is where I currently work, and I have been able to work up to a management position. -
Quit the VF Outlet
After working at both the VF Outlet and Dani's during the summer of 2013, I chose to stay permanently at Dani's. I did not want 2 jobs during the school year. Although I enjoyed working at the outlet, the number of hours was unstable and often less than I needed. Dani's was much more stable with the amount of hours I would have each week, -
Promoted to Manager at Dani's
Graduating from Bucks
After this semester, I will graduate from Bucks and transfer to Temple University to continue studying psychology.