My Life: Past, Present, and Future

  • if there was one thing I could change about my childhood it would have been

    if there was one thing I could change about my childhood it would have been
    I would have been nicer to my mother while she went through her divorce
  • Describe your family members

    Jessica Adams(mom): she is a hard working, she loves her family, independent, business worker.
    Savanah Adams(sister): she is a hard worker, she is caring
  • 3 defining moments that changed me and shaped me into who I am now

    3 defining moments that changed me and shaped me into who I am now
    1. My parents divorce, I learned to live without my dad
    2. Moving to Hampton, I changed how I acted
    3. Going on the Dominican republic trip, it opened my eyes to the world
  • what made feel loved for the first time?

    what made feel loved for the first time?
    My family
  • What role did morality and or religion play in your childhood and family life

    Growing up, I went to church every weekend with my mom and my grandma. Also my mother always told me and made clear what was right and wrong by punishing bad behavior.
  • Describe a time when a family member greatly disappointed you and how you handled it and if you grew from the experience.

    One time, my dad told my mom some things that were really rude about my mom and I and I was dissappointed, but I have grown to relize that I shouldn't let negative people in my life.
  • How did your parents handle conflict

    How did your parents handle conflict
    most of the time my mom tries to talk it out, but my dad gets mad and yells and throws things
  • How did your parents handle Money

    How did your parents handle Money
    my dad likes to buy stuff and my mom spends it on me and my sister
  • Describe your most memorable acomplishment

    My most memorable acomplishment is going to the Dominican Republic without my parents
  • What did happiness look like for you during your childhood?

    What did happiness look like for you during your childhood?
    It looked like my mom being home and happy, and playing with my cousins
  • what event/person/thing made you feel loved for the first time

    what event/person/thing made you feel loved for the first time
    My mom made me feel loved for the 1st time
  • What did activities contribute to your personality view

    What did activities contribute to your personality view
    I put myself in activities that make me a better person, and that I enjoy
  • How do you handle conflict with your peers?and your parents?

    How do you handle conflict with your peers?and your parents?
    I try to talk things through and if that does not work than I try to give it time to settle. I listen to them and hear them out, but I also voice my opinion
  • who has been the most influential person in your life during high school

    My Best Friends Mom,has been the most influential person in my life during high school
  • what do you spend the most money on? saver or spender? how do you get money?

    what do you spend the most money on? saver or spender? how do you get money?
    I spend most of my money hanging out with friends, or getting my nails done. spender.I get money by babysitting or my parents,or holidays
  • Describe your most memorable acomplishment. hs

    I directed a play in less than 2 months
  • What does happiness look like for you in high school?

    What does happiness look like for you in high school?
    It looks like good grades and hanging out with friends
  • what are your plans after highschool

    After High school, I would like to go to a 4 year college and get a degree, and then career so that I can take care of a family.
  • where do you want to live? what are some things you must have to make a place livable?

    where do you want to live? what are some things you must have to make a place livable?
    I want to live in the DR, or somewhere in the mediteranean. Food water,shelter,roof,car,charger,electric
  • do you want to get married? what age do you want to get married? what criterion must your future spouse meet

    do you want to get married? what age do you want to get married? what criterion must your future spouse meet
    yes. 25. they must be kind,caring, funny,hard working,passionate
  • did you learn anything from marriges around you that will influence your ideas about marriage?

    did you learn anything from marriges around you that will influence your ideas about marriage?
    yes, I learned that you should be cautious and its not always easy
  • Do you want a family? What would you like in a family one day

    Do you want a family? What would you like in a family one day
    yes, I would like atleast 2 kids, a boy first then a girl
  • if you have children what will be the top 5 life lessons you would try to build into their character?

    1. Have friends that lift you up and encourage you rather than slow you down.
    2. Don't ever let money get in your way of doing what you want to do.
    3. treat people the way you want to be treated
    4. don't judge a person by who you think they are, because you never know what they have been through.
    5. Don't waist your time worrying over something that you will forget about next year.
  • What career goals do you have for mid-life? where do you see your self mid-life?

    I would like to be advanced in my career, with a family
  • if nothing stood in my way my dream would be to ___.

    Live in the DR with a family teaching english
  • what happiness in midlife through retirement would look like for you.

    what happiness in midlife through retirement would look like for you.
    Living in a beach house on the water in the DR and my children with good jobs and having kids
  • how old do you want to live and why?

    how old do you want to live and why?
    I want to live until 80-90 because I want to enjoy my family as long as possible