My Life of Literacy

By agalano
  • My first word

    My first word
    My parents told me that the first word I ever spoke was the word light in Greek, as I pointed to the light on my bedroom ceiling fan.
  • Bedtime stories

    Bedtime stories
    My mom would read Dr. Seuss books to me before bed because I really enjoyed them as a child.
  • My love for the game

    My love for the game
    I have been playing basketball all my life. I first started playing basketball when I was 5 years old. From the second I learned the game, I became very good at adding because baskets were worth either 1, 2, or 3 points.
  • 12 letters

    My last name is 12 letters long. As a child, it would take me a long time to complete writing my name. After a while, I got used to writing Galanopoulos fast.
  • Grade School

    Grade School
    In 3rd grade, I remember using the writing books to help with learning cursive. I always found it difficult to make the perfect cursive letters.
  • Typical girl

    Typical girl
    As a young girl, I would ask my mom to go to the store with me so I could buy teen magazines. I would read all the articles that only talked about my favorite celebrities. After I finished, I would cut out all the pics of those celebrities and hang them on my wall.
  • The Outsiders

    The Outsiders
    I have never been much of a reader. The only time I read was when I was forced to for school. In 7th grade, my class read the book The Outsiders. Since that point, that became one of my favorite books of all time.
  • Paper after paper

    Throughout high school, I felt as though I had written a thousand papers for all of my classes. What I realized through that time was that if I had a paper on a topic I was passionate about, I really enjoyed writing.
  • College

    Having been in college for two years now, I have learned how to communicate better. Whether it be working with classmates on a project, meeting people at a party, or emailing a teacher, my communication skills have improved a lot.