MY LIFE (Nicolle Ortiz)

  • Birth

    I was born on november 13th, 2002
    My mom didn't plan to be a mom so young, but here we are
  • Kindergarden

    When I was 3 years old my mom decided to put me in the kindergarden, because she used to work all day, so she coulden't take care of me
  • Moving

    When I was 4 years old my mom met my stepfather Alex shortly thereafter, they took the risk of moving together with his family
  • My little sister

    My little sister
    When I was 7 years old my little sister was born, I remember playing with her all the time, I felt lucky not to be alone enymore
  • My best friend

    My best friend
    When I was 11 years old, I adored doing to my bets friend's house to play video games
  • High school

    High school
    When I moved to high school, my grandparents suggested changing me from school so my parents did it, I hated that school it had a lot of rules and I didn't like it.
  • My best friend

    My best friend
    I have always been very shy but when I was in eighth grade I met my best friend, she was new in he school ans she asked me to help her to find a classroom, then we started talking and now we have been friends since 2015
  • My 15th birthday

    My 15th birthday
    When I turned 15 I wanted to travel but my mom always imagined having a quinceañera party, she managed to convince me and we decided to have a big party. I enjoyed dancing with my family and frinds all the night
  • graduation

    When I graduate from high school, my parents decide to give me a trip to san andres
  • University

    I started studying in 2020, I really like my career and I have met wonderful people.
  • Graduating from college

    Graduating from college
    When I graduate from college I hope to travel all over Europe, especially Greece.
  • dream job

    dream job
    I plan to work translating books in a publishing house, that has been my dream since I was 13 years old.