My Life M.C.

By M1K3
  • Born

    Son of Elizabeth and Luis
  • 1st Day of School

    1st Day of School
    Went to school in the city of El Monte.
  • 1st Tooth Lost

    1st Tooth Lost
    Lost my first tooth.
  • Recieved a Playstaion 2

    Recieved a Playstaion 2
    Parents bought me a PS2.
  • Reveived a Nitendo DS

    Reveived a Nitendo DS
    Recived a Nitendo DS for Christmas
  • Moved to South El Monte

    Moved to South El Monte
    Moved from El Monte to South El Monte
  • Recived a Computer

    Recived a Computer
    Received a computer for Chritsmas.
  • Bought My Playstation 3

    Bought My Playstation 3
    Bought my own Playstation 3.
  • Went to Vegas

    Went to Vegas
    My family and I went to Vegas
  • Bought a Laptop

    Bought a Laptop
    Bought my first laptop.
  • Made This Timeline

    Made This Timeline