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My Life in timetoast

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Caracas, Venezuela
  • Keep calm and speak like me

    Keep calm and speak like me
    Eight months later than my birth i was the speakest baby in the world, i think
  • Mi kindergarten day

    Mi kindergarten day
    I went to Baby Boom, the best kindergarten in mi town
  • Mi first primary school day!

    I went to U.E.U.S.B(Unidad Educativa Universidad Simon Bolívar)
  • My First english class!

    My First english class!
    I start to learn english in primary, American english*
  • Move to other Country!

    Move to other Country!
    My father made a post-doctorado in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain), and my family and I move to Sant Quirze del Vallès
    That new experience creates inside of me a interest to learn catalan
  • My first day of secondary school!

    My first day of secondary school!
    Two days ago i arrived to spain, the jet lag did affected me but only two days of rest in a new country is so less, no?
  • I pass a catalan exam!

    I pass a catalan exam!
    I join to the grup in catalan hours, before that, i always go to a special teachers
  • My first french class

    My first french class
    In second of ESO i went to french class
  • I start to learn Italian

    I start to learn Italian
    I went to Italy for two weeks and i start a course of Italian
  • I do my first timetoast, but not last!

    I do my first timetoast, but not last!
    The english`s teacher send homework, do a timetoast with your biography