I entered to kinder in the Montessori. I don´t remember a lot of that time but I remebered my friend was caleed Santiago. -
Third of kinder
I also dont remember a lot of that but my best friend was still Santiago. Also I remembres that in Halloween I get dressed of Buzz light year. -
Second of primary
I entered to the American School of Pachuca. The first person i talked to it was Yael. It was difficult because when I entered they were in exam week and I didn't know anything. -
Third of primary
When I entered to third of primary I was with my friends Aramando and Freddie. We were really good friends. -
Fourth of primary
That years was also good but the bad thing it was that Freddie was not more in my group. Also in that year I met Greta, Fer and other girls that became my friends. -
Fifth of primary
When I entered to fifth of primary that was the first time I was with Santiago. Now a days he is one of my best friends and we are really good friends. -
Sixth of primary
In this year I met Leonardo, Samperio, Lubin and Daniel. I also was with Santiago. It was a really good year and I really liked it. But at the same time I was nervous because we were entering to secondary. -
First of secondary
This year was hard because they changed some things form primary to secondary, but I still get good grades and get used to it. -
Second of secondary
This was my best year in the school. I was with my best friends and we had really good time. I was really cool and we were a really good group. -
Thrith of secondary
This is my last year in the American School. Im reallty nervous of passing to high school. This was a really nice year because we went to the trip Washington and I passed a lot of good moments with my friends.