My life in Seville

By paulogo
  • El Paso International Airport

    El Paso International Airport
    This day I was about to go for the first time to Europe, about to start my life studying abroad.
  • My first night in Sevilla

    My first night in Sevilla
    We arrived at Sevilla this day, in this picture I'm with my roomie Carolina, we were very excited. This picture was taken at our hostal "El Duque" in downtown.
  • Our first days in this beautiful city

    Our first days in this beautiful city
    This picture was taken in the streets in downtown, we were getting to know the city, and looking for a place to eat that afternoon.
  • Madrid, Spain

    Madrid, Spain
    In this picture I remember we went to Madrid with our group which was ISA, because it was orientation week. This picture was taken in "El Museo del Prado." It is with my roomate and two of my friends.
  • Toledo, Spain.

    Toledo, Spain.
    We went to Toledo, it was part of our orientation week, this is an amazing place.
  • Malaga, Spain.

    Malaga, Spain.
    In this picture we were in a trip we made with our ISA program to Malaga, we were in "Museo Picasso Malaga." We spent three days in this beautiful city.
  • Morocco, Africa.

    Morocco, Africa.
    We found out about a group called: "We love Spain" and they took us to Gibraltar and to Morocco, Africa. Here we were riding camels. Such an amazing experience.
  • Lisboa, Portugal.

    Lisboa, Portugal.
    This picture was taken in downtown of Lisboa, Portugal, exactly in "Bairro Alto." This is a great place to visit, incredible place.
  • Semana Santa, Sevilla.

    Semana Santa, Sevilla.
    This photo was taken in Seville, Spain in their "Semana Santa" this is one of the most important weeks to sevillians. People all around the world go to live this experience. Here we can see something they call: "Procesiones." In this religious event, they pray to the different "virgenes." It was one of the most interesting experiences in my entire life.
  • Feria de Abril, Sevilla.

    Feria de Abril, Sevilla.
    This event is called "Feria de Abril" this week is one of the most important events not only in Sevilla but in Spain. People all around the world go visit Sevilla to be part of the magic of this entire week. This is a cultural event that I think was one of the best experiences in my life. We danced, played, and had so much fun.
  • Italy!!

    This photo was taken in venecia, Italia. My friends and I went to Italy for a week, we went to: Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan.
    I was in love wth every city in Italy, such an amazing trip.