The Game Plan
The setting of this movie is what I relate to. I used to watch The Game Plan a lot, it was a movie that my dad and I would watch together. I always thought that the area looked familiar but it wasn't until a few years ago that I found out that it was filmed in Boston. The movie gives me deja vu when I watch it because it makes me think of my dad and the city. -
The name of this movie, Underdog, is something that I can relate to. It's a big part of my past because when I was younger, my little brother was obsessed with this movie. In one day, we had watched this movie 5 times. It reminds of when I was younger and didn't have to worry that much. The title is also something that people would tell me. After everything happened in my life, my family thought that I was the underdog, and wasn't going to escape the life I was given. However, I did. -
The movie, Hugo, has a quote that I can relate to. "Everything has a purpose, clocks tell you the time, trains takes you to places." I believe everyone and everything that happens, happens for a reason/purpose. You never really know what your purpose is until something happens. It can be something positive or negative. This is a quote that I use a lot in my life, it's what helped me a lot growing up and understanding that everything that is happening to me, happens for a reason. -
Life of Pi
Life of Pi, brings up a memory in my life. When this movie came out, it was the first movie that my little brother and I could agree on to watch. My brother and I often fought when we were younger over dumb things, but this was the first thing we ever agreed on so we got rewarded for it and got to watch it in theaters. Since then, my brother and I have been incredibly close. -
Dolphin Tale
The location of this movie is what I can relate to. Dolphin Tale was filmed in Tampa, Florida. When I was younger the first time I ever went to Florida, was Tampa. The second time I went to Florida, my family took me to the place where it was filmed. Back then I dreamed of being a veterinarian, so I loved this movie a lot. -
The movie Frozen has a character that I relate to because of their appearance and personality. Anna is one of the main characters in Frozen. She is a ginger like me, and has a very unique personality. She constantly asks questions, which is something I'm known to do as well. Anna also, is very stubborn and doesn't take no for answer. I am the same way, and constantly have to get my way because most of the time, I'm pretty sure I am correct. -
The Lion King
The Lion King has a character that I relate to because that character also lost their father.The character I relate to is Simba. In 2014 I lost my father, and like Simba I blamed myself for his passing. Similar to Simba, I was still a kid when my father passed away.After Simba’s father, passed away, Simba had a responsibility of taking care of his family. I was put into a similar role in my family because everyone looked to me for support and comfort, even though I was the youngest at the time. -
The movie Brave has a character that I relate to because of the personality and appearance. Since the movie has come out, I have been told that I resemble the main character, Merida. One difference is that Merida is Scottish, and I am Irish. On the other hand, Merida and I have a very similar personality. We are both headstrong, strong-willed, defiant, tough, kind, and short-tempered. We are both the oldest siblings as we'll and do as much as we can to protect and keep our family safe. -
Patriots Day
I relate to the setting of this movie. I remember finding out about the Boston bombing and hearing about everyone that was injured/died from it. It was a surreal moment for me because I never thought something like this would happen to somewhere where I have been. I think this was the first tragic memory that happened to our country that I could remember and actually understand because I was old enough to understand. -
There's a scene in this movie that I can relate to. First off, I am petrified of clowns. After this movie came out in 2017 there was a lot of clown sightings that happened around the US. One of the scenes where a child was being followed by a clown is the scene I relate to. I vividly remember walking home from a friends house after basketball and seeing a clown behind me. I sprinted home, and locked myself in the house until my aunt got home. That's how my fear for clowns grew larger. -
The Blind Side
The Blind Side has a scene that I can relate to. Michael is the main character that comes from a broken family, like myself. His mother is a drug addict which mine is too. The scene that relates to me is when the Tuohy family took him in. This also happened to me, my friends parents took me in and are still helping me get the life that I deserve. I wouldn't be able to do as much as I'm doing now without them and I am beyond grateful. -
Moonlight has a scene that I can relate to. The main character is a little boy that grows up with his drug addicted mother. I relate to this because my mother was also an addict. In one scene the mother is freaking out and doesn't let her son go outside, or talk to anyone which is the paranoia side effect. That happened to me as well. Another scene is when the boy was in high school and the mother kept taking the boys money, my mother would take my checks from work for drugs. -
The Incredible Hulk
The quote that I can relate to, is "Hulk Smash." First, this is my senior quote. Second, Mr. Neri is part of the reason why I can relate to this quote. Last year during there was quite a few things that I would break by accident, of course. Then the second to last week of school I broke the sink in the girls bathroom. It completely fell off and shattered and every since, Neri calls me Hulk. -
Someone Great
Someone Great has a quote that I can relate to. "My hope is if we add up the "one mores" they will equal a lifetime and I'll never have to get to the part where I let you go. But that's not real, is it? There are no more one mores. I met you when everything was new and exciting, and the possibilities of the world seem endless. And they still are... for you, for me, but not for us." This quote makes me think of graduation, saying goodbye to everyone I grew up with, and parting ways. -
Five Feet Apart
The title of this movie, Five Feet Apart, relates to me and thousands of other people. Due to the outbreak right now CDC says to keep a 5-6 foot gap between yourself and others. It's sad to say that people need to be told to keep a large gap between one another. However, with the outbreak being extremely serious it's important to follow what the CDC is recommending to do in order to stay healthy, even if it sucks a lot.