End of school
I will have finished my studies in educational institution Colombia, It is an outstanding degree by my good academic performance -
I will have finished my studies as bioengineering at the University of Antioquia, being an outstanding student for my performance. -
I will have worked at best bioengineering laboratory in the country, and I will do my best to everything in this work I get it right -
My home
I will have buyed one apartment with my savings, to begin to fend for myself and not rely on someone -
I will have boughht a new car with my salary to move around more easily somewhere need -
Marital Status
I will have married with stable partner who has at the time -
I Will have had a dog breed Siberian wolf -
I will have traveled many parts of the world and to know new cultures -
I will have had a child with my partner -
New children
I will have adopted another son to finish confirm this family -
New home
I will have gotten new home since in the apartment there is not enough space