My Life Goals

  • Period: to


    I want to look back on my life and be happy with what I've done!
  • College

    Go to an awesome college, study to be a math teacher, and be on their track and field team.
  • Buy a car

    Buy a car
    Hopefully by now I will be financially stable enough to buy a car so I can drive around everywhere off campus!
  • Go to the Olympics

    Go to the Olympics
    I want to participate in the 2020 or 2024 Olympics for discus for the US track and field team. Discus is my talent :))
  • Be a math teacher

    Be a math teacher
    I want to get a job as a math teacher! I really love math and I want to teach high school honors classes.
  • Become a leader at a youth group

    Become a leader at a youth group
    I've always wanted to help teens in church and such!
  • Get Master's degree

    Get Master's degree
    I want to get my Master's so that I can earn more money in whatever job I have!
  • Marriage

    Get married!
  • Buy a house

    Buy a house
    Even though people might find it weird I really want a purple house! I am obsessed with purple..
  • Start a family!

    Start a family!
    I want two children, hopefully a boy and a girl but it doesn't really matter!
  • Be a track coach

    Be a track coach
    I want to coach track, preferably discus/shotput for girls at whatever high school I teach at.
  • Continue volunteering

    Continue volunteering
    I love to help people!
  • Get a dog

    Get a dog
    I love dogs, and I want my kids to grow up learning to take care of one.
  • Be fluent in Spanish

    Be fluent in Spanish
    I want to study Spanish in college because it seems like a lot of people in the US speak Spanish these days!
  • Be debt-free

    Be debt-free
    I want to be able to be debt-free so all the money I earn can go towards other things!
  • Be financially stable!

    Be financially stable!
    By this time I want to be able to have enough money to buy fun things!
  • Volunteer in a third world country

    Volunteer in a third world country
    I really love to help people who are in worse off situations than me.
  • Own a stock

    Own a stock
    I want to invest in my future!
  • Travel the world to study different world religions

    Travel the world to study different world religions
    I want to have adventures even when I am old
  • Be able to learn something new every day!

    Be able to learn something new every day!
    I want to be able to learn something every day whether it be in life or in school.
  • Stay fit

    Stay fit
    I want to stay in shape even as I get older :)