
This is My Life

  • When I Was Born

    When I Was Born
    When I was born, I was another joy of creation to my family. They couldn't be more happier. My sister was happy too!
  • Corn Pop Baby

    Corn Pop Baby
    When I was a baby, my sister fed me a corn pop. It was scary for my parents because I didnt have any teeth and it was a choking hazard. My mom ran over and took the corn pop out of my mouth.
  • Baby Bear

    Baby Bear
    When I was a baby, I dressed up as a bear for Halloween. I dressed up as a bear from a certain tv show.
  • Funniest Art Teacher Ever

    Funniest Art Teacher Ever
    When I went to Rose Pioneer Elementary, I had the funniest art teacher who always made me happy.
  • Slide Hangover

    Slide Hangover
    One time I was playing in the park with my aunt and I was hanging off the top of the slide. I didn't know how to get back up.
  • Trailer Burn Down

    Trailer Burn Down
    One day, my aunt and uncles old trailer burned down. :(
  • First Halloween

    First Halloween
    When it was Halloween night, I dressed up as Tinkerbell.
  • Clay Dinosaur

    Clay Dinosaur
    I made a clay dinosaur in art class, I loved that dinosaur.
  • First Crush

    First Crush
    I started to like one of my friends in Elementary School,
  • Friends to Bullies

    Friends to Bullies
    While I was hanging with my friends, they turned on me and started to kick sand in my face.
  • Scraped Knee

    Scraped Knee
    When I was riding my bike I made a sharp turn and fell off. I scraped my knee.
  • Phone Embarrassment

    Phone Embarrassment
    In fourth grade, during class my phone started going off. I felt so embarrassed.
  • 5th Grade Teacher

    5th Grade Teacher
    My 5th grade year was bad because I was technically "bullied" by my teacher. He didn't like me.
  • Started YouTube

    Started YouTube
    I first started my YouTube channel: Sweetie Pie! I wanted to start a YouTube channel just to share my experiences with people online. I get a lot of hate but it doesnt bug me anymore because I love doing what I love to do: Make videos for fans/people.
  • 2013-2014 7th Grade Year

    My 7th grade year was bad too, I was being called names by other people.
  • Racoon Eyes

    In 7th grade, my friends made me laugh until I was crying. My makeup smeared and made me look like a racoon.