My Life

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    When I was born was important to me because that's what began my life. This event really didn't affect me as much as it did the people around me. My mom began a new life.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Met my siblings

    Met my siblings
    I met my siblings when I was little over a year old. This was important to me because my brothers would do anything in their power to make sure I'm safe. I will forever be thankful for them.
  • My mom going to prison

    My mom going to prison
    When I was almost four, probably the most traumatic experience happened to me. My mom got taken out of my life and was sent to prison. I never quite understood what was going on, but I know I cried daily until she got out.
  • My mom got out of prison!

    My mom got out of prison!
    My mom finally got out of prison and I couldn't be happier. I finally had my best friend back and I felt on top of the world. I will forever be grateful for this day.
  • Meeting my best friend

    Meeting my best friend
    I was about six when I met my best friend Dedra. We met each other through the church we went to. our grandmas would sit together and Dedra and I would run around and play together. Almost 11 years later and we're still best friends.
  • My first true heartbreak

    My first true heartbreak
    In the summer of 2013, I met someone that would change my life forever. I thought I found the "love of my life". I spent two and a half years of my life with Johnny. During that two years I let him cheat on me and disrespect me until I finally found the courage to leave.
  • Going through depression

    Going through depression
    A couple months after meeting Johnny and knowing I was being cheated on and disrespected, I began getting severly depressed. I never felt good enough, I didn't feel pretty, and quite honestly I didn't think anyone would care if I died or not. I began self harming and ended up almost taking my life, It took that experience to realize how many people truly do care.
  • Getting in a rollover car accident

    Getting in a rollover car accident
    We rolled off a 25+ foot embankment, Neither of us were seatbelts and I had to be flown out to the valley. I had internal bleeding in my head between my skull and my scalp. I had a large cut on my back from the windshield and I had a shattered tail bone. ( This is not an accurate picture)
  • Moving in with my mom !

    Moving in with my mom !
    After 12 years of not living with my mom nor my mom having custody, as my 15th birthday present, I was allowed to move back in with my mom. It was a chance for my mom and I to develop the mother/daughter relationship we never really got to create.
  • Starting online school

    Starting online school
    Starting online school gave me the option to work at my own pace. In regular high school I probably wouldn't have been able to graduate because of the credits I was missing. With online, I have the ability to make up those credits quickly.