My Life

  • Day of Birth

    The average temperature on December 6, 2001 was 44 degrees with zero rainfall or snowfall. Every was anxious to see me. according to my mother I had to vacuumed out because i had a big head. According to my dad I just popped out he caught me and he was the first person I seen. Nobody new what to name me so one wise family member decided to name after my older brother is ok.
  • Basketball

    This was the start of my elementary basketball career. I didn't really want to play I just played because I needed/wanted something to do after school. It was fun.
  • Teen Leadership Connection

    This was the first year I actually participated in the program with my local park. It wasn't what I expected I thought it was going to be boring but it wasn't. My first outing with them was a winter formal. I'm pretty much a loner so I kept to myself then someone from a different park came up and introduced me to his park and they pretty made me comfortable.They basically show everything that I was hearing about Teen Leadership Connection (TLC)
  • Eye Opener

    September of 2015 was the year I started 8th grade and it opened my eyes that I would be starting a new chapter in my life and everyone is temporary and how long you know someone doesn't dictate or prove your loyalty to someone.
  • Freshman Year

    My freshman year of high school was kind of fun I made a few friends which was perfectly fine with me. I kept my grades up but high school was nothing I expected it felt like my elementary school bigger.
  • Summer 17

    Summer of 2017 was one of the summers I felt like I was actually maturing and becoming more independent. I was working and getting out the house more and interacting with humans.
  • Sophmore Year

    I wasn't excited about sophmore at all due to experiences based on freshman year. I did slack of more but I held my own to keep my grades up. This year was the year I lost 2 "friends" it was basically a repeat of 8th grade it didn't phase in any way I just kept to myself even more and move on about my business.
  • Vice Pres.

    This was the day I was voted to be vice president in the program TLC I'm in. It was very important and encouraging because I competed against other teens to get the spot.
  • Summer 18

    Summer of 2018 was the summer I worked my first job getting paid. It wasn't much that was different since my previous years working except for I was getting paid.
  • Junior

    So far my junior year has been just ok. I like my classes and teachers but once again people acting fake and phony so i had to cut off other set of friends. Losing friends doesn't phase me because my mindset is set upon the fact that nothing last forever.