My Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born on November 1st, 2002 in Saint Luke's Hospital. This is a big event, obviously because it was the beginning of my life.
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    This was a big event for me because I had switched from a small, unheard of catholic school to a big middle school like Aubry Bend. I switched from a class of 24 students to a class that had around 200 students.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
    My first day of high school was a big deal because it was the time where I realized I had to get serious about my grades and start thinking about my future.
  • My first job

    My first job
    I got my first job working at Walmart in the Online Grocery Pickup department. I think this is a big event because it has taught me responsibility and other major values, and it is a big part of my life now.
  • When I got my license

    When I got my license
    This event is important because it gave me more freedom and independence from my parents. It's also helping me learn how to be punctual and make sure I get places on time.
  • Graduate from high school

    Graduate from high school
    I hope that I will graduate from high school in 2021 and continue on to college.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    I hope that I attend college at KU since a lot of my family attends KU, it's close to home, and it will be cheaper due to in-state tuition. I'm not sure what I want to study yet but I'm sure I'll figure it out by then.
  • Get married

    Get married
    I want to get married a couple of years after I graduate from college and hopefully move to Texas or somewhere out south after I get married.
  • Start a family

    Start a family
    I want to start a family with my husband probably a year or two after we get married. I want 2 kids, I've always wanted a boy and girl but obviously I can't control that. I want to name my daughter Riley because my grandpa has always loved that name, as for the boy, I don't have any names in mind.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    I realized while making my timeline that most of my big events revolved around school. So, I think my timeline says that school has been a very important and impactful thing in my life.
  • How different would would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I think my life could have been incredibly different if I could change some of my events. For instance, I started school at a little Catholic school called Queen of the Holy Rosary Wea, and after 5th grade, I switched to ABMS. If I hadn't moved from Wea to ABMS, I probably wouldn't know the people I know now.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    I think my future seems to be pretty fixed. I can't predict what happens, but I do have a nice idea of how I want it to pan out from here. I know that life is unpredictable and that stuff happens and I'm fine with that, what I listed is just the ideal situation.