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My Life

  • 6

    I am born, screaming my head off.

    I am born, screaming my head off.
  • 11


    P.S My brother is my best friend and he's super fun and he's definitely getting into SCET.
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    I start my school career at the ripe young age of five.

    I start my school career at the ripe young age of five.
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    I start Fearn Elementary School

    I start Fearn Elementary School
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    I start horseback riding!

    I start horseback riding!
    Best decision ever
  • 18

    I win 3rd Place In A Speech Contest

    I win 3rd Place In A Speech Contest
  • 18

    I see Hamilton!

    I see Hamilton!
  • 18

    I go to Greece for the third time

    I go to Greece for the third time
    Okay so in the US I can't stay up super late at night but when I'm in Greece a little switch just flips
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    I start Cross Country

    I start Cross Country
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    I start SCET!

    I start SCET!
  • 21

    I finally go to Disney World

    I finally go to Disney World
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    I graduate from Jewel.

    I graduate from Jewel.
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    I start and graduate High School

    I start and graduate High School
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    I take a trip to Japan

    I take a trip to Japan
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    I attend The University Of Chicago and study advertising.

    I attend The University Of Chicago and study advertising.
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    I graduate from college

    I graduate from college
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    My job is writing commercials

    My job is writing commercials
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    I get married

    I get married
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    I buy a house in the same neighborhood I grew up in.

    I buy a house in the same neighborhood I grew up in.
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    I buy my dream car

    I buy my dream car
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    I have a kid! Yay!

    I have a kid! Yay!
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    I send my kid to private school

    I send my kid to private school
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    I am a very strict/good parent

    I am a very strict/good parent
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    My family takes a trip to Hawaii for a family vacation!

    My family takes a trip to Hawaii for a family vacation!
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    My child enters middle school!

    My child enters middle school!
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    I start a bakery as a side job

    I start a bakery as a side job
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    I become a Grandma!

    I become a Grandma!
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    I take Zumba Classes

    I take Zumba Classes
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    I am a WONDERFUL Grandma

    I am a WONDERFUL Grandma
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    I write a book!

    I write a book!
    *A graphic novel in stores near you. Coming out 2079!
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    I take a trip to Spain

    I take a trip to Spain
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    I die eating butter noodles and watching general hospital

    I die eating butter noodles and watching general hospital