my life

By cdog23
  • birth

    When I was born I was already the favorite.
  • birth

    When I was born I was already the favorite
  • kawasaki diesase

    I was 3 when I got it. It was really bad it gave me a 105.6 temp and if I would of went to 106 they would have put me in an ice bath. And anything over I probably would have died. So I am just grateful that i am still here.
  • Getting my tonsiles and adnoised removed.

    Before I had my tonsils and adenoids removed I was getting sick all the time. And for some reason, after I got them removed I just stopped getting sick. SO luckily I got them removed
  • getting my glasses

    when I got my glasses I thought they were gonna suck and they actually are good so yeah.
  • starting middle school

    When I started 6 grade I thought it was gonna be so hard. But surprisingly it is really easy and not as bad as I thought it was gonna be.