My Life

  • My first day

    The start of a wonderful story and the director no other than, TJ David.
  • Tasting Cake at my first Birthday

    As a baby, I was very fat and ate a lot of food and also drank a lot of milk. My Grandma made a cake for me and I scarfed it right down.
  • CFA

    start of my school life. during this time I was in Pre-k. At the end of every day I remember a lady giving us cake and I loved it because it reminded me of my grandma
  • Period: to


    My second school which was the first school before the new one where all of the classes were in trailers. I remember that I was the fastest in my grade level.
  • Traveling to Grandmas

    I tried for the first time ever, packing my own bags. and I stayed a whole week with my grandma. I was whooped a couple times either for wrestling my cousin or running around the house.
  • Hiking Crowders mountain

    First time I ever hiked for so long. I was tired the whole way, and I am pretty sure I took a brake on my dad's back for some of the hike before he got mad at me and made me walk.

    I just want to say, This was the best feeling ever. I felt so fast and believed I was the fastest man alive. This was when I realized how much I liked baseball.
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    I truly enjoyed this school. I had my first crush here. and I made so many friends that I still talk to, to this day.
  • Travel Baseball

    This was my first time ever truly enjoying a sport and the team as well. I loved our team more than anything and they will always the team I thought was the best to ever play for.
  • Cooperstown

    This trip was with CCA, my first travel team. We completely sucked and got dogged out by the teams we played against. The experience was great and I loved every part of it.

    a musical that my family put me in. Where I was able to meet new people and gain new experiences. I enjoyed most of it until the end of my time when I got older and started liking new things.
  • Staying at My other Grandmas

    this was way better than spending time with my moms side grandma. We made cakes, pies(her secret pie), and ate till I was fat I was here for almost 2 weeks. I also remember going to church at 9 and not getting back to her house until 3.
  • Boy scouts

    My first year in boiyscouts. I was at troop 107 I call it troop 1 0 savvy. All the boys there were cool and we learned a lot. I especially loved helping out the boys and getting their skills better.
  • AAU basketball team

    first and last time playing on an AAU team. I liked it but it was cutting into other things. It also took a lot of time, especially traveling to the places.
  • Omega camp

    The best camp that I have ever gone to. It was an all-boys camp, we ate good food. The best part was that almost every hour there was a fight.
  • Period: to


    As we all know. the first 2 weeks was great. After that it was hell. I played 2k all day and couldn't do much of anything else with other people.
  • High school

    My first year was mostly online for me. I went in when they added the A-day, B- day schedules. but I left when they took it out. honestly, it was boring and no one talked for the first part of the year.
  • Thanksgiving

    These memories will never be forgotten. Waking up at 7 to pull out wet seasoned turkeys to fry them for around 3 hours was actually enjoyable when your with family. I love seeing family members that I usually never see on at least a yearly basis as well. just an all-around great time.
  • Chess club

    I went into a tournament and went undefeated and I also finished most of my games in like 2 minutes, if that. The people were so gullible for falling for the 3-move checkmate.
  • Philmont

    I will never do this again. I had to use the bathroom with flies everywhere. I had to drink water from a river, and I had to clean it every day. I was hungry for most of the trip and I will never go camping like this again.