• birth

    I was born on Feb 10, I was too big a baby, my mom was too young, my grandparents helped with my upbringing
  • separation

    I was 3 years old, my parents separated, they both had jobs and too many differences.
  • breeding

    Desde que nací los que se crían fueron mis abuelos junto a mi papá, ellos tenían amor por mi, siempre he sido la consentida, aparte fui la rpimera nieta mujer
  • Christmas

    On my Christmases I always spent it with friends and family from the neighborhood, we had confidence with those who were next to us, we were of those who made parties there in front of the house with those there together, there was no Christmas in which I did not ask many things, you can not always do everything, but they fulfilled me by giving me a bicycle that I wanted very much
  • ride the bicycle

    ride the bicycle
    I have always been afraid of riding a bicycle and things like that, because I had little experience, one day my cousin decided to half teach me how to go cycling
  • birthday numer 10

    It was customary for my family to be close, neither my mom nor my dad were on my birthdays, because they had to work and study,, on the contrary my paternal grandparents and my maternal grandmother were always there, I remember so much that I said ¨Ay, the another year I turn 11: (¨, I had something to grow
  • first trip

    It was my first trip with my parents, they have always been good friends, when they had time they were with me, in that they had a free weekend for both of them, they took me to tour
  • change of school

    change of school
    My change of school was thanks to my mother, there I was one of the best students, I had the best positions in the classroom, there we all helped each other with everything, it was a strong change because I went from knowing everyone to not knowing anyone , I had to fit in some way, and here I go giving what I can
  • My 15 years

    My 15 years
    This was something I wanted from a very young age, I always dreamed of having my party and being accompanied by a person I love, I was nervous and afraid, I had afraid that my father would not be able to be, when I arrived and my father was waiting for me I was emicioned, when I went in and saw all the people who are very close to me, it gave me emotion, I had excited about everything or what was going to happen, but it was a good night
  • pandemic

    t has been a difficult year, first I had to repeat the year, and then a pandemic, it is not easy at all to go from being all week in the morning with my colleagues to going to see them through a screen, not only that, the study also It has been complex, it is not like having our teachers around for a doubt. Since everything began it has been impossible to see someone