Growing Up At Camp
Since before I can remember my family has owned another home in Upstate New York. I was very fortunate to be able to grow up that and have another place to call "home". "Camp" gave me a place to escape too, I never got service up there so whenever I was dealing with a lot I liked to go up there, shut off my phone, and escape from all my problems and just enjoy nature and life again. I consider camp my "safe place" where I could escape reality. -
My sibilings were in charge for the night. As usual I was bullied by them. I walked upstair crying and decided to take a nap on my couch, I ended up slipping under the cushions where no one could see me. When my parents returned no one could find me, they called 911, screamed throughout my neighborhood yet no one had seen me. I woke up hours later to find my family crying downstairs because they thought I was gone. It's crazy to think that in a small matter of time everything could change. -
My Terrible First Bike Ride
On my first bike ride my sister and I rode into a wooded area, two boys were approaching us from the opposite direction. The boys proceeded to intimidate me, I lost control, flew off my bike and smashed my face into a tree. My teeth went through my lip and I passed out. I woke up to my mom rushing me to the hospital. I refused to get on my bike again but my mom kept pushing me. I gave in and re-learned how to ride a bike. I learned to keep trying no matter how much you want to give up. -
Quitting My First Passion
My first passion was figure skating. It was my own thing, most of my friends were playing other sports. I was told that I was on my way to performing solos. One week there was a fight between my mom and I everyday, I would scream and cry. She finally yelled “do you even want to do figure skating anymore?” I screamed back, “NO” she got me dropped from all my classes.I made the wrong choice but it was to late. You can't quit something so quickly, you need to give it some time. -
Getting My Silver Award
Earning my Silver Award was a huge honor. My troop leaders left my friend and I on our own because the majority of my troop didn't want to earn it. We were left to do everything for ourselves so the earning it in the end was much sweeter because we proved to everyone that we could do it on our own. We had to complete over 50 community service hours and submit multiple forms and get approval from different people involved in the Girl Scout community. -
Getting a Job
My sophomore year I got my first job. I am still a hostess and busser at Carriage House in Patterson. The transition from not having a job to working 4 nights a week was a little difficult, I had to learn how to manage my time better and find time to get my school work done. My parents put a lot of pressure on me to maintain my grades and continue to work. Having my own money and not having to rely on my parents for money was really nice, I got a new sense of independence. -
Death of My Grandpa
The summer going into Sophomore year my grandpa unexpectedly passed away. It came as a shock to my whole family. It was first night at my first job and my dad came rushing in and took me home an hour into my shift, I was so confused and my emotions were everywhere. We were able to say goodbye before my family chose to remove him from life support. In that moment I realized that family is everything and everyone will come together in a time of need. -
I've never been happier than the time I spent in Hawaii. I went to Kauai to visit my family friends. We explored the island, went on hikes, visited the tide pools, and spent days on the beach. From the 2 weeks that I spent there it is now one of my dreams to either live there for a period of time or to visit it as often as possible. It makes me question that if I was the happiest I have ever been in those two weeks what would my life be like if I lived there? -
Near Death Experience in Hawaii
When I was in Hawaii we took a trip to King's Bath a huge tidal pool with cliffs for you to jump off of, it was connected to the ocean. I decided to risk it and jump in because the ocean was calm at the time. As soon as I tried to get out the waves picked up, I stepped on the ledge and a huge wave came and knocked me down, my head hit the rocks and I got pulled under the water. I got thrown into the rocks over and over again. In that moment I really thought that I was going to drown. -
Getting into National Honor Society
My sister was inducted into NHS when she was a senior so I really tried to get in to follow in her footsteps. I submitted my application and was ultimately accepted. I was really proud to be inducted in and was excited to start my work. The Society has given me so many volunteering opportunities and the school year has just started. I'm excited to see what else comes my way in relations to NHS. -
Buying My First Car
Buying my first car was a huge accomplishment for me. I finally had something of my own that my parents didn't help me with. I felt like I had a new sense of responsibility, it was mine. It taught me to budget my money because each month I have to make a payment, I can no longer spend my money on whatever I wanted because I made a promise to my parents that I would pay every month and they wouldn't have to help me out. It was a major accomplishment to see my hard work pay off. -
Visiting My Dream School
I've wanted to go to Florida State for years now, and I finally got to visit in in February of 2018. Seeing it in person just made me want to go there even more, the feeling that I got when I stepped on campus was amazing and its my dream to go there. The atmosphere, facilities, and the people were all so nice. The university has so many majors and things to get involved in. I've always wanted a school with a big football program and thats exactly what FSU has!