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my life

By henryj1
  • maud behn birthday

    maud behn birthday
    Maud Behn ,princess of Norway
  • i was born

    i was born
    I was born at the Royal Hobart Hospital, I
    joined my family my big brother and my
    mum and dad.
  • my little brother was born

    My brother max was born at the private
    Hospital, he almost died when he was born.
    He had an bowel operation. He spent time
    in icu. But now is very healthy and fit.
  • sumatra Earthquake

    sumatra Earthquake
    Sumatra Earthquake of 2005-The 2005 Sumatra earthquake, referred to as the Nias Earthquake by the scientific community, was a major earthquake on 28 March 2005, located off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • went to school

    went to school
    I went to kindergarten at Taroona primary
    School. My teacher was Mrs King. My
    brother came into school and had a bath.
  • hot wave over

    hot wave over
    in the aftermath of Greece's worst heat wave in a
    century, at least 11 people are reported dead from
  • went on a big holiday

    went on a big holiday
    I went to Hamilton Island, and I got lost and got lost in my parents had a hall search party
    looking for me. my brother lost two teeth
    and swallowedone of his teeth.
  • olympics Rio first 2016

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil wins the bid for the 2016 Olympics and
    will be the first South American city to host the Games. Rio beat
    Tokyo, Madrid, and Chicago, Ill.
  • house captain

    I became a Schoolhouse captain of acacia
    Which was yellow. I was voted by my class
    mates. That year we won the athletics
    Carnival and cross country.
  • new Prime Pinster

    new Prime Pinster
    Malcolm Turnbull calls upon Prime Minister Tony Abbott
    to spill the leadership of the Liberal Party, with Abbott
    calling a party room meeting for later that evening
    Turnbull wins the leadership ballot 54–44, becoming
    leader of the Liberal Party. Turnbull was sworn in as
    the 29th Prime Minister of Australia on 15 September
  • Hutchins

    I started middle school at Hutchins. I felt
    very welcome in to Hutchins and my new
  • Zika

    The World Health Organization announces an outbreak
    of Zika virus.