My Life Chad P

  • Biosocial - Prenatal Development & Birth

    Lung development
  • Cognitive - Prenatal Development & Birth

    Older brother would talk to me while I was in my mothers belly
  • Psychosocial - Prenatal Development & Birth

    Parents moved into first home
  • Biosocial First Two Years

    Walked at one
  • Cognitive - First Two Years

    First starting speaking
  • Psychosocial - First Two Years

    Learned from older brother to climb into the attic and got in trouble
  • Biosocial - Play Years

    Started to play sports, football, basketball, baseball
  • Cognitive - Play Years

    Learn how to multiply and divide
  • Psychosocial - Play Years

    Moved to new school and had to make new friends
  • Biosocial - Adolesense

    Voice and body started to change into a man
  • Psychosocial - Adolesence

    First Girlfriend
  • Cognitive - Adolesense

    Sang on local tv for choir
  • Cognitive - Emerging Adulthood

    Started college. Wanted to be a teacher starting in my Junior year in high school. Decided half way through college that I wanted to go into management with FedEx Ground.
  • Biosocial- Emering into Adulthood

    Played College Football, started coaching and began dating more frequently.
  • Psychosocial- Emering Adulthood

    Met my wife to be and was married.
  • Cognitive -Adulthood

    Worked at Fedex Ground for 10 years.
  • Biosocial - Adulthood

    Have 2 children, one boy one girl.
  • Psychosocial -Adulthood

    Children are going to college, getting married, and starting families.
  • Psychosocial -Late Adulthood

    Retired from work at 55.
  • Biosocial - Late Adulthood

    Purchase a motor home and travel all year long to anywhere the Ohio State Buckeyes are playing. Spend time tailgating and viewing all the places in North America that my wife and I have not seen.
  • Cognitive- Late Adulthood

    my family needs to make a decision on whether or not i'm able to drive anymore because of my cognitive skills have diminished greatly.
  • Cognitive - Death and Dying

    Leave will for my family so everyone is on board with what I'd like to happen
  • Cognitive - Death and Dying

    Create a will and distribute it to the family so that they are all aware of the things I want to happen.
  • Psychosocial - Death and Dying

    Have a funeral and had my body on display for everyone to see. This is a part of life that brings closure.
  • Biosocial - Death and Dying

    I die of old age.