my life

By hnflood
  • Birth

    I was born
  • I moved to Singapore

    I moved to Singapore
  • Started School at TCE

    Started School at TCE
    signifying the start of my life in Kansas
  • COVID and other struggles

    My grandpa died, my teacher died, then I didn't see any of my friends for like a year
  • my sister graduated college

    my sister graduated college
    This is when I knew childhood was ending and my family dynamic was going to change
  • I'll graduate

    I'll graduate
  • I start college at (Syracuse?)

    I start college at (Syracuse?)
  • I get a job producing animated tv

    I get a job producing animated tv
  • Marriage

    For love? or tax reasons?
  • Death

    Poisoned... while wearing my best dress. Age cannot take me, it was definitely murder to covet my jewels
  • Question 3

    My future is super flexible. I still have no clue where I will go to college, where I want to live, all of that. I also will probably change my major like a million times. I just deal with things in the present, go with the flow.
  • Question 1

    my timeline tells me I have had some weird curves in an otherwise linear life. Every now and then I get thrown a little spice to character developed. That's why I think I'll die mysteriously and with grandiose.
  • Question 2

    I feel like if I never lived in Singapore my personality and perspective of the world would be way opposite if I only ever lived in the midwest. And if covid never hit I would have very different friends, probably still with the ones that didn't make me feel as excepted.