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    My first years

    I was born on August 12, 2004 in Vitoria, I lived with my parents and i had a German pastor who always took care of me. My first two years i spent playing with my dog but just when i was two years old he died. Then i started going to the nursery and i did not like it but i had to get used to it because i always had to go.
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    My first years of school

    With three years i started going to school and i had a teacher who loved her very much and was very good, and i also made many friends. i was in children's education for three years.
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    Primary school

    In elementary school i was six years old and i learned many things, and i made friends with whom i was always
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    Secondary education

    In september of 2016 i started high school and it was not that it was great but i went to second and second it was still difficult and i left english but i went to third and now i am in third and i hope to approve everything.