I was born August 30 2003. This was in Thornton Colorado. My entire was there. It changed my family's life, especially my mom and dads lives. They were now parents which changed their perspectives. -
Moving to California
I was a month old when my father go stationed on Camp Pendlton. My family is a military family. This shapes who I am because I grew up around the military. I know a lot about it and might go into the military myself. -
Google is added to the internet
Goggle helps me with so much. Google shapes who I am and the world. Im pretty sure we would not be as far without google.Google helps me with school, work, everything. -
Meeting a horse for the first time
Horses are my life. Everything I do revolves around them. If I didn't meet that horse I have no idea if I would have loved horses. I wouldn't be who i am without horses which brought me to 4H. -
Blogging became a thing on youtube
Blogging shaped pretty much every teens life. Youtube is big part of my life and most teenager and considering what we watch. Its mostly people blogging what they are doing with their lives. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina shaped our country because it showed how weak our infrastructure was/is. It also showed how we can come together as a country in times of need. It was one of the first bigger natural disasters. -
Move back to Colorado
Social Media becomes a thing
Social media shapes me because I basically live on it. Its how I talk to people. How I keep up with people. How I document my life. -
Brothers birth
My brother was born 3 years after me. This shaped who I am because it made made me a big sister. I didn't and still dont want my brother but I love him. -
Obama wins presidency
This shaped the people of the US because it was a new president with new ideas. New ideas that not everyone agreed with. He brought in ObamaCare and many other policies that helped people. -
Mom and Dads divorce
This shaped who I am because it gave me two families. It gave me my stepmom and her family. My dad would not be in my life without her. -
Joining Westernaires
This shaped who I am because without it I would have never started showing. Without starting to show I would have not won the title s I have today and would not be known at all in the horse world. -
Meeting my stepmom
The Privatization of Space
Airbnb and Uber created
U.S. Supreme Court Allows Same-Sex Marriage
Over Two Thirds of Americans Own Smartphones
Donald J. Trump Becomes the 45th President of the United States
First year of high school
Winning my first buckle