
My Life By Design Project

  • Save for car!!!

    Save for car!!!
  • Save up for college!

    Save up for college!
  • Start saving for retirement

    Start saving for retirement
  • Get a job

    Get a job
  • Get my license

    Get my license
  • Get a car

    Get a car
  • Have back surgery

    Have back surgery
  • Save for apartment in Destin

    Save for apartment in Destin
  • Graduate high school

    Graduate high school
  • Go to Costa Rica!

    Go to Costa Rica!
  • Go to college

    Go to college
  • Graduate college

    Graduate college
  • Move to Destin, Florida

    Move to Destin, Florida
  • Get into a career as a counselor

    Get into a career as a counselor
  • Buy a bigger house

    Buy a bigger house
  • Get married

    Get married
  • Have a kid

    Have a kid
  • Have another kid

    Have another kid
  • Save up for childrens education

    Save up for childrens education
  • Save up for children to get a car

    Save up for children to get a car
  • Buy an older car for kid(s)

    Buy an older car for kid(s)
  • Go to Spain!

    Go to Spain!
  • Go to Australia!

    Go to Australia!
  • Prepare will

    Prepare will
  • Sell house and get ready for retirement

    Sell house and get ready for retirement
  • Retire
