My Life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born on May 5th, 2006 in Concord, NC. I was born at 4:11 pm to Tommy and Jeni Carr making my sister Kaitlynne Carr a big sister.
  • Spent time in Ohio with My Family

    Spent time in Ohio with My Family
    With all of my family being from Ohio I spent alot of time with them. Going up for summer, christmas, thanksgiving, and other occasions.
  • Got our Family Dog

    Got our Family Dog
    We got our family dog when I was 4 years old. His name was Samson Mighty-Bull Carr, he was an English Bulldog and he was the missing part to our family.
  • My First Day of Kindergarten

    My First Day of Kindergarten
    My first day of kinegerarten was definetly a day to remeber. I went to Carl A Furr Elementary and had the best day ever, I met my bestfriend that I am still friends with until this day.
  • My First trip to Disney World

    My First trip to Disney World
    As a ffamily we took a weektrip to Disney world. We visited Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Animal Kingdom. One of my favorite memories from the trip was collecting pins on a lanyard from every place we went to.
  • Loss of my Great Grandmas

    Loss of my Great Grandmas
    The summer of 2016 was a wild one. Both of my great grandmas, on both sides of my family passed away a week apart. This was one of the hardest weeks of my life.
  • Our first Family Vacation to Topsail Island

    Our first Family Vacation to Topsail Island
    We had alwasy taken beach trips over the summer, but we finally decided to rent a house for a week in Topsail Island. We ended uo renting this house for multiple summers in a row, making so many lifelong memories.
  • Won States for Young Authors

    Won States for Young Authors
    When I was in 5th grade I decided to write a poem for the young authors competition not thinking I would win anything. I ended up winning school, county and the state competion. My poem was called "You gotta Love Winter"
  • Started Middle School

    Started Middle School
    I attended Winkler Middle School with a bunch of my friends from elementary school. Along with meeting so many new people, and some of my current best friends.
  • Played my first softball game

    Played my first softball game
    I had always wanted to play softball, due to seeing my neighbors play their whole life. My mom always said no becuase she didnt want me to get hurt. But then I finally got to live out my dream of playing.
  • Started Basketball Cheer

    Started Basketball Cheer
    I started cheer jsut for fun, to be able to spend more time with my friends. Along with the fact my mom was a cheerleader during her highschool career.
  • Trip to Maryland

    Trip to Maryland
    On my dads side of the family we would go on familt reunion trips to maryland every year. We had not attenended one in many years due to school. So we decided to suprise our family.
  • Got two Bunnies

    Got two Bunnies
    While in quarntine I felt a little but lonely and wanted some furry friends. So I finally conviced my mom to let me get two bunneies. They were named Yoda and Nugget.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    This first day of school wasnt a normal first day of school. We were doing online zoom classes. Even though it was online I was still attending West Cabarrus.
  • Spring Break to Myrtle Beach

    Spring Break to Myrtle Beach
    Me and my friends took a spontaneous trip to myrtle beach for a few days. I went with my freinds Meg and Sirenitye, we met so many new friends, one of which I still talk to everyday.
  • Last Softball Tournment

    Last Softball Tournment
    Softball has alwasy been very important to me. I have played travel softball for 4 years making the best memories of my life, meeting wonderful teamates and friends. Unfourtunetly coaches can change your view on the game and make you loose your love for it.
  • Trip to Boone

    Trip to Boone
    Me and my sister took a trip to boone for the weekend to go snowboarding. We went with 3 of her guy friends and we staying in one of their friends apartments. next thing you know we are snowed into the apartment not going snowboarding and not leaving when we were supposed too.
  • Bought my First Car

    Bought my First Car
    My parents helped me buy my first car. I got a 2016 Jeep Cherokee. Buying a new car is a very long process, with highs and lows.
  • Trip to Ohio with my Cousin

    Trip to Ohio with my Cousin
    Me and my cousin Ayla have always been very close, even though we have lived 7-9 hours away, for all of our lives. We were finally able to make a trip to Ohio happen. We finally got to spend so much time together and get to go on so many adventures together.
  • Family Dog Passed away

    Family Dog Passed away
    Sadly this event is on the timeline but we had to put our family dog down. He brought happiness to the Carr familt for the past 11 years. He was always my best friend, but we couldent let him be in pain anymore.