my life, sorry if it is boring and sad

  • day I was born

    I was born, don't remember anything
  • we moved

    we moved to west jordan utah from holiday utah because there was a flood coming also we could not aford the place we were staying in and my mom got a new job in west jordan
  • first day of school

    that day I was so nervis that you could see me shaking we got to the front desk and I went to class everybody was kinda nice.
  • something bad happened

    that day It was starting off good but when at 7:34 I stepped in a guter wrong and my left knee bent backwards i screamed in pin my parents took me to the hospital and we found out I hiper extened it also dislocated it doctor gave me something for the pain and put it back in and I stayed the night in the hospital
  • day we got our dog

    we went to my grandma's house to se the new pup at first we found out they named her opal we convist our parents and our grandma we got the new pup and renamed her Bella
  • day I nearly died

    it was a day at school kids were been mean to me and when I was running to my bus about to leave I had to stay in because a kid blamed me for something I didn't do next thing the main kid that bullied me ran up to me and pushed me infront of the front bus I got out of th way just in time
  • A little sunshine

    on this day my little sister Raven was born and I was so happy to have a little sister when my mom, dad, and big sister were talking Raven opened her eye's and looked at me and smiled. made me fell even more happy
  • born of my book

    That day we had an assenment to write a one page book for fun but even before this happened I was thinking of a book to wright called Ash Ryder and the Sinister Necklace
  • cubs win

    my most favorite baseball team the Chicgo Cubs won the world series after 108 years of comeing close to it
  • my mom got a dease

    on January 16 she went in for something that the docter needed after three days in th hospital they found she had right side heart failure and two other dieases :I forgot there names
  • 8th grade worst day

    this day was the worst I was being bullyed was late to my scond period class kids were puching me in the halls then I got my face slamed into a locker
  • went up to cabin in mountains

    went up to the mountains and went to cabin that year was the best year ever up at my cabin
  • got the letter from Itineris

    when my mom opened the letter from Itineris and told me I was so happy that I could go to a college high school
  • broke my arm

    during basket ball kids keeped pushing me to the ground I keeped landing on my arm next thing I felt this spliting pain in my arm I was sent to the office right away
  • Quarintine started

    a disease spreaded and the intire world went into Quarintine
  • started high school

    I love the school I'm going to even though It's been a couple days I love it the teachers are nice and want there students to pase.