
My life

  • My 5th birthday

    My 5th birthday
    it's the first birthday that I remember, because my mom spent a lot of money to celebrate it, so it was something big and there are many photos.
  • My first best friend

    My first best friend
    I remember that I meet to my first best friend in the school when I was 6 years. We were best friends for 7 years. I love her so much, but we’re not so close anymore.
  • My first "serious fall"

    My first "serious fall"
    It happened when I was 10 years, I was in a hammock, all was cool, lol. But it broke and I fell on some bicycles. I dislocated my collarbone. Since then every time I lift my arme-left a small bone sticks out.
  • My first cellphone

    My first cellphone
    In the christmas of 2014 my mom gave me my first cell phone. It was a cheap blackberry, really it was little useful but I was very emocioned.
  • My actuals best friends

    My actuals best friends
    I had lost contact with my old best friend and I was a bit lonely, there is when I meet to my actuals best friends. They made me happy and continue to do it.
  • The first spot in the mathematics olympiads

    The first spot in the mathematics olympiads
    I had made the mathematics olympiads almost all years since primary in my school. But this was the first time that I won the first spot or or at least the first time I knew, lol. It's cool, I felt so good.
  • Dancing for the grade

    Dancing for the grade
    In this year our teacher put us to create a choreography and show it to all the school. For me it was shameful but I done it.
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    finally, I graduated from school !!
  • I was accepted into university

    I was accepted into university
    I remember that I had tried to see the test results, all morning, from school, until finally I can get to my house and I get the pleasant surprise of being admitted. I was so happy.
  • I start my first semester in college

    I start my first semester in college
    This is something great, it's different, and I have met many nice people. For now, I consider it a great experience.