My Life

  • Period: to

    My Life

  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
    I was living in Rochester, New York, and I was the only child at this point.
  • Meeting my best friends

    Meeting my best friends
    I moved to New Jersey in 2006 (when my younger brother, Sam, was born) and met my best friends in 2008 (Vane and Ricky), whom I still love today.
  • First time in Disney

    First time in Disney
    I was obsessed with Disney princesses, so for 8th birthday, we went on a summer trip to Disney World. I became so in love with it we went three other times in my childhood. This became like another home for me.
  • Leaving my best friends

    Leaving my best friends
    In 2017, I moved to Kansas City from New Jersey. This was a very saddening moment and I was constantly anxious about the move.
  • Meeting new friends/Luna

    Meeting new friends/Luna
    I quickly fit in and met people I am still friendly with today. I also got my new dog, Luna!
  • Enjoying life currently.

    Enjoying life currently.
    I have a great group of friends and I am doing well in school and soccer.
  • Attending college

    Attending college
    From 2023-2027, I will be attending college. Right now, I am not sure what field or major I want to go into. However, I know college will be a learning experience for me to unlock new interests, hobbies, and friends that will allow me to continue to thrive and learn more about myself. I do know, though, that I do not want to stay in Kansas for college!
  • Graduating Highschool

    Graduating Highschool
    I will graduate highschool in two years. I will be sad, anxious, and nervous for college, but I know with hard work and my personality I will thrive and be successful.
  • Finding my Career

    Finding my Career
    I hope to find a career I truly love and will be successful in. I will put in the work to come out on top and to expand my knowledge on what I am working with.
  • Marriage, Family, and Kids

    Marriage, Family, and Kids
    I will get married and start a family with two kids (preferably) and a dog! I am so excited to have a sense of love I have not felt before and provide all that I can for my family to live and grow together in the best way possible. I also hope to be living somewhere in the East of the country.
  • Retirement

    I hope to be retired in my late-60s. I hope I will be satisfied with the life I created for myself and my family. I also hope to have gained a lot of wisdom and use it to educate my family and others, and I am excited to see my family continue to grow, as well. Maybe I'll go on a retirement trip!
  • Question 1

    1) My time line tells me I have matured and used my intelligence and personality to thrive and get to the point I am at now. I also realized I rely a lot on hope that I will prosper, yet know that with hard work and determination that I have right now and I am capable of using will allow me to have a very bright, successful, and happy future.
  • Question 2

    2) My life would be entirely different if my past events were altered. For example, if I was still living in New Jersey, I would perhaps have the same friends or meet new people, be living in my old house, and be attending a different school. Moving allowed me to experience a different way of life and has allowed me to unlock many different experiences that I have gained a lot from, so I would not change my timeline if I could.
  • Question 3

    3) My timeline seems very flexible. All I am fixed on is having a family that I can love and cherish. I will continue to learn more about myself in college so that I can be successful and happy with my career and more.