My life as a european immigrant (great britain)

  • My birth

    My birth
    I don’t remember a lot about my birth. What I do remember is I never or hardly ever see my dad. He is all ways in the “NEW WROLD” nothing else is said about the mater. I get lonely without my dad here. He always had some joke to tell or was all ways there for me in some way. Now with him gone I have no one to comfort me now. What I did know is that my family left because of religious freedoms. I want to tell you what my life was like.
  • Getting ready to move to USA

    Getting ready to move to USA
    I am ready to move to USA, I have finally after an extensive amount of time have convinced my family to go and see dad in the new world, America. I hear stories that there is a giant statue that is a lady holding a torch and a keystone. They call it the statue of liberty.
  • Ariving at the NEW WORLD

    Ariving at the NEW WORLD
    Now that I am in the new world I have religious freedoms and can practice what I want. That is the entire and only reason I came here. My family was doing well but we didn’t have religious freedom. America gave us that freedom of choice.
  • Getting a friend

    Getting a friend
    As I was getting inspected I met a nice fellow. However I can’t remember his name. So later then we stayed and talked for so long and said we would stay in touch with each other for as long as we could. Just as we said our good buys I met another man he said his name was Boss Tweed. He was a strange man but got me all settled in and got me a job.
  • 32nd Day on the job

    32nd Day on the job
    Just as I was about to go to work. Boss tweed sent one of his men to see if I was going to vote for him in the election the next week. I had no idea what he was talking about. He said I would vote for him in the election. I said I would out of fear. He had a gun on his side.
  • Being Robbed

    Being Robbed
    One peaceful night I was in bed and heard a noise. I grabbed a candle and when down stairs and saw a shadow. I grabbed my broom and went in. I didn’t realize that I was being robbed until it was too late I seen the man and he ran out the door.