going to america
I was born on May 31,1865. My journey to america I had to get on the sea shaker it took me three days to get to america. when i got there every one got off the boat and we had to go threw this thing. -
When i got there
When i got to Ellis island there was a huge inspection line, i had to take off all of my clothing in front of every one i hated it. they had to flip my eyelids in side out and take a cotton swob and see if there is any disease. -
finding a job
it was very hard for me to find a job then i found this steel compony who needed workers i knew it was very dangerous i got the job and then they showed me how to do every thing. -
starting the job
I stared the job and it was very scary and it was my first time going across an Ibeam i took a deep breath and i stated to walk and a gust of wind comes by and i almost fell but caught my self. then i kept walking. -
how the rest of my life is goig
I'm doing good i have a job, home. and food and i also have a roof over my head and I have enough money to buy anpther bigger house and i dont have to owe my bank any money.