Green eggs and ham

My Life as a Reader

  • Childhood Favorites

    Childhood  Favorites
    My mother instilled the joy of reading into me at early age. My all time favorite as a young child was the Dr. Seuss classic, "Green Eggs and Ham"!
  • School Age Books

    School Age Books
    My 4th grade teacher read aloud , "James and the Giant Peach", and I was hooked. It became a book I read to my students every year. It was also my introduction to my favorite childhood author Roald Dahl!!
  • More Elementary Age Favorites

    More Elementary Age Favorites
    "Matilda" was another Roald Dahl book that I've read numerous times!
  • Pre-Teen Favorites

    Pre-Teen Favorites
    As a pre-teen I gravitated towards chapter books that where filled with boyfriend/girlfriend drama and circumstances that I would probably never experience in real life at that time. Sweet Valley High and the "Baby Sitters Club" were my escape into fictional high school drama.
  • Teen Years

    Teen Years
    In my teens I didn't read as much because I was occupied with more important things to me at the time. However, "Sweet Valley High" was still my favorite
  • My Faves as a Teacher

    My Faves as a Teacher
    During my college years my reading for pleasure wasn't a priority. My studies and graduating consumed my reading. Once I became a teacher I immediately fell in love with a new group of books that I could read to students year after year. "Enemy Pie" was and continues to be a staple in my classroom to use as mentor text and a book to teach life lessons.
  • Teacher Favorite

    Teacher Favorite
    As my years went by as a teacher " Diary of a Wimpy Kid" hit the media center and has been a favorite among the students every since. I too enjoy the book and will read it with my biological children sometimes. The "Diary of Wimpy Kid" series was one of the first group of books to shift more to a graphic novel format and is becoming more popular in chapter books today.
  • Teacher Favorites Cont.

    Teacher Favorites Cont.
    Each year I've been introduced to an additional book that incorporate into instruction in hopes it becomes on of my students favorites as well. "Mean Jean the Recess Queen", is always a winner in my classrooms
  • My current choice

    My current choice
    As a mother of three, I struggle to find the time to read a good book. I must admit that I rarely read anything longer then a one page article from local or national newspaper. I enjoy reading news articles to stay abreast to what's happening in our world.
  • My Current Choice Cont.

    My Current Choice Cont.
    The book I'm reading currently is a book I'd been meaning to read, but didn't get around to purchasing UNTIL the night of the Oscars. Will Smith's infamous slap on live television made me even more interested in his autobiography. I'm almost done reading " Will" and can say I feel like I have insight into why he decided to make that impulsive decision that night. I'm a still a Will Smith fan so I'm enjoying the read.