My life and goals

By kurhum1
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Do a front flip off a divingboard

    Do a front flip off a divingboard
    I wanted to do this just for the challenge and fun that comes with achieving a goal.
  • Save over $1000

    Save over $1000
    I saved all money acquired and ended up with more than $1000. I wanted to become responsible with the money I earned and save it for something later in life.
  • Make all sports teams

    Make all sports teams
    I was on all three varsity sports available in middle school. I did this to keep in good physical condition
  • Make High Honor Roll every year

    Make High Honor Roll every year
    I earned at least 3.5 GPA for every quarter of every year in Middle School. I wanted to prove to myself that I can perform well academically.
  • High School-Freshmen Year: Make soccer and volleyball

    High School-Freshmen Year: Make soccer and volleyball
    I was on the two sports team I wanted to be a part of, for the same reason I was a part of middle school sports teams.
  • High school-Sophomore year: Finish with more As than Bs

    High school-Sophomore year: Finish with more As than Bs
    I would like to have more As than Bs on my report card at the end of this semester because I did worse than I would've liked first semester.
  • High School-Junior Year: Get my driver's license.

    High School-Junior Year: Get my driver's license.
    I would like to get my license after my first road test because it would be very useful to drive a car whenever I want.
  • High School-Senior Year: Do well on all my ACT exams

    High School-Senior Year: Do well on all my ACT exams
    I want to do very well to increase my chances of being accepted into a good college.
  • Enter a good college

    I think it would help me along the way if I attend a high quality college.
  • Major in a field that interests me

    Major in a field that interests me
    I think it is very important to major in a field that I enjoy so that work feels more like hobby, relaxing and fun.
  • Perform many extracurricular activities

    Perform many extracurricular activities
    I think this would look good on a resume by showing that I engaged in activities other than school.
  • Write a Resume

    Write a Resume
    A resume will help me in my endeavour to get a job that I enjoy and is well paying.
  • Be able to dunk a basketball

    Be able to dunk a basketball
    This is one thing that I have always imagined being able to do and I will be very content if I do.
  • Find a Job

    Find a Job
    I would like to find a well paying job that I also enjoy. If I enjoy my work then it will be much more interesting.
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I feel that eventually it would be a good idea to get married.
  • Buy my own house

    Buy my own house
    Of course not actually buy the house but to begin paying a mortgage and be able to live in it.
  • Excercise regularly

    Excercise regularly
    I want to still be able to be physically active at this age which may lead to a longer and healthier life.
  • Become Multilangual

    Become Multilangual
    I would like to be able to communicate and express my thoughts with othert cultures, this goes along with exploring the world.
  • Save for retirement

    Save for retirement
    At this point I would like to be able to retire and live the rest of my life without working.
  • Explore the world

    Explore the world
    I would really like to experience and learn from all the different cultures our world has to offer.
  • Find new Hobbies

    Find new Hobbies
    From what I know retirement after a while can get boring and so I am going to find some new things to pass the time. What these things will be I do not know yet.
  • Watch every NBA finals game

    Watch every NBA finals game
    Many were not recorded until recently but I believe I could easily accomplish this. I am a huge fan of the NBA and I could watch all of them witout getting tired of it.
  • Live as long as I can

    Live as long as I can
    Life is a wonderful thing and I would like to enjoy it as long as I can.
  • Donate my organs

    Donate my organs
    I won't be needing them so maybe someone else will.