My Life

  • Meeting My Best Friend

    Meeting My Best Friend
    When I was about 11 months old my mom was taking me on a walk around my neighborhood and saw the new neighbor that had moved in taking there 3 month old baby on a walk. My mom and the women with the baby began talking and the mom Gina and the baby Chelsea would become are best friends. Since that day 16 years ago me and Chelsea have been inseparable from having sleepovers that lasted 5 days when we were 6 to us driving around together all day long jamming out to justin beiber in the car at 16.
  • Getting My First Dog

    Getting My First Dog
    When I was 3 I got my first dog Sadie who was given to my family by the old people who lived across the street from me. Sadie was the sweetest dog I had ever met everyone who meet her loved her. My favorite thing about her was that she never got bothered when I would cuddle with her or smush her face, she would always just go with the flow of everything. Sadly we had to put her down when I was 11 but it was a good learning experience for me since I had never lost anyone close to prior to that.
  • Baby Cousin Being Born

    Baby Cousin Being Born
    For the first 5 years of my life I was the baby on both sides of my family until my cousin Emma was born. I wasn’t happy when she was born because I was no longer the youngest on my mom’s side, but once I meet her I never stopped loving her. At her first christmas I stayed home from church to help my aunt take care of her and I got to feed, help change her diaper, and hold her. Now that we’re older I’m her favorite cousin cause I've always played with her since the day I first meet her.
  • First Disney World Trip

    First Disney World Trip
    I went to disney for the first time when I was 7 and this was the start to my obsession with disney. I fell in love with disney the first day I got their just seeing the hotel alone. All my dreams came true getting to meet princesses, peterpan, tinker, but I was to afraid then to take pictures with mickey mouse. Most people who know me know that I love disney in every way from the movies to the parks. Ever since my first trip to disney I have been in love and have gone back 4 times since then.
  • Jonas Brothers Concert

    Jonas Brothers Concert
    When I was 8 I went to see the Jonas Brothers concert with my friends. It was terenchel down pouring during the concert, we were in the nosebleed section and you couldn’t see very well. All of that at the time didn’t matter because I was seeing my favorite band and there was even a special guest appearance from the cast of camp rock who performed which made enduring the crazy conditions better. After the concert we drove home in are soaking wet clothes but I was way too happy to even care.
  • First Met Game

    First Met Game
    When I was 9 I went to my first Met game with my family. My parents have been big Met fans their whole lives so once I was born I was a Met fan to. I remember watching the games on tv with my mom when I was younger and I was so happy when finally I got to go to my first game. I was so excited to see David Wright play because he was my sports idol when I played softball. That game Wright hit a homerun and I got to see the big apple go up and do my first let’s go Mets cheer at an actual game.
  • Starting Lacrosse

    Starting Lacrosse
    I started lacrosse in the winter of 4th grade and little did I know that this changed my life forever. From the of 3 to 8 I played softball like my mom and grandfather did, one day Sara Didio asked my mom if I would be interested in playing lacrosse and I was like sure why not. That winter I learned to play, then the spring time came and I played both but it was hard to balance. At the end of the season my mom asked me which I would continue with and I picked lacrosse and never looked back.
  • My First Musical

    My First Musical
    The summer between 4th and 5th grade I was in my first musical for St. Lawrence O’Toole theatre. The musical was the Wizard of Oz and I played a munchkin and a flying monkey which I was so excited about getting to dress as a monkey. The main reason why I joined was to spend more time with my best friend chelsea who had done the shows there the previous 2 summers. This was one of my best decisions I ever made because it helped my find my love for musicals and introduced me to many new friends.
  • My First Middle School Show

    My First Middle School Show
    My first middle school show I was apart of was FAME when I was in 6th grade and I was in crew. I was so excited that I got to work and learn how everything worked backstage from the high school crew kids that I was already friends with. I still remember that first rush of adrenaline on opening night when it was my first scene change and we moved everything quickly and quietly before the lights when back up. I was also happy to be apart of my sisters last show before she went to high school.
  • Getting My Second Dog

    Getting My Second Dog
    My dog is Tonks he’s a Golden Retriever Gordon Setter mix. I’m my dogs favorite so he sleeps on the end of my bed every night and then he is usually wakes me up in the morning. After my first dog died we waited about a year before we got a dog and I asked my parents to get another dog. Then we found him online and saw he was a rescue from a high kill shelter and we knew we needed him. I was the first one he really bonded to when we first got him and since then he has always been by my side.
  • Traveling Without Parents

    Traveling Without Parents
    In 9th grade me and my friend Chelsea flew alone to visit her Grandma in Florida. It was scary but exciting to fly by ourselves and we prepared the week prior to the trip by making trips to five below and the mall. We spent 5 days there and they were so much fun we took walks on the beach, swam, shoped, and watched the sun rise. We got to drive by trump’s mansion while he was there and see all the protesters and supporters. We had the best time and planned are next trip on the way back.
  • States

    I made the varsity lacrosse team in 11th grade. We went 17- 4 in regular season and we were the number 2 seed for the section. We won all are section games and it came to beating Hen Hud which we did making history at the school winning the first ever section title for girls lacrosse. Then it came down to semi finals at states. We fought hard in the game but lost to Honeoye Falls-Lima 10-9. Even though we lost I couldn't top that feeling of the chance to play at states in the big stadium.
  • Playing Lacrosse in Disney

    Playing Lacrosse in Disney
    My 2 favorite things are Disney and lacrosse so when club team had a tournament in Disney I was so excited. I play for a club lacrosse team called Westchester Elite, we have traveled to lots of places for tournaments but never that far. This tournament in Disney World is called Presidents cup this is the biggest college recruiting tournament in the country the best teams go and I had dreamt of going to the tournament for so long. When I wasn't playing I got to visit the parks with my Friends.