I was born on September 28,1998. My mother was 18 when she gave birth to me.I was the first child in the family. -
Brothers D.O.B.
My first sibling was born on July 11, 2000. He was my first brother and my only sibling that is a boy. I am 2 years older than my brother. -
First Sister
My first sister was born on June 28,2001. This was my second sibling and my mother's third child. Her name is Ashley. -
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Growing Up
We grew up in Tolleson for most of our lives. That is where we lived for 8 years. That is a place we have a strong connection to because that is where we went to school for Elementary and Middle School. All our friends we grew up with still live out there. -
Twin Sisters
My mom decided to have another child and was surprised when she found out she was pregnant with twins. They were born on June 8, 2009. Their names are Jayden and Sophia. -
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My Freshman year in High School I started not showing up to school. I was ditching school to go smoke marijuana. My grades were horrible and I got caught. We ended up moving to Mesa because of that situation. -
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I have been running track for 3 years now. I run the 400 meter dash and the 4x400 relay. I also run club track and I plan on continuing running in college. I love running track because it is very competitive. Last year we went to state and finished 5th at state in the Finals. -
New School
After getting in trouble and moving to Mesa I had to go to Dobson High School. I didn't like that school at all and I didn't know or talk to anybody that year. I got kicked out of this school for not going to school. During the summer I got a letter saying I could no longer attend the school for my sophomore year. -
3rd School
By this time this was my third school in 2 years. I was now going to Westwood High School. I liked this school a lot more. I had joined the track team and found a sport that I liked. -
Last year in high school
This is my last year in high school and I have enjoyed it so far. I got a girlfriend over the summer and have been with her for 7 months now. I plan on graduating this year and going to college to continue running and get a degree in college.