My Life

  • I was Born

    I was Born
    The world got a little bit brighter
  • Learned to walk & Talk

    Learned to walk & Talk
    Got mobile and gained my silver tongue
  • Started Tennis

    Started Tennis
    Hated it
  • Ended Tennis

    Ended Tennis
    Still hated it
  • Learned I don't like sports

    Learned I don't like sports
    I would re-learn this over the years but this was the first proof that I really hate sports and group things like that.
  • I started preschool

    I started preschool
    At solomon elementry school
  • Started Kindergarden

    Started Kindergarden
    At Sauganash
  • Got my first dog, Blue

    Got my first dog, Blue
  • Started to gain responsibilty

    Started to gain responsibilty
    When I got my dog blue and got a little older, so my parents started giving me more chores and things to do around the house.
  • Kindness

    When I got into 5th grade, kids definetly started to be lot meaner. This helped me understand I'd rather put kindness into the world rather than hate.
  • Expression

    When I started playing guitar and getting into music, it allowed me to gain a new form of expression, songwriting. I would develop(still developing) this skill over many years but it really opened my eyes to the true beauty of music.
  • Started Playing guitar

    Started Playing guitar
    Took a few lessons and enjoyed it
  • Covid started

    Covid started
    No one knew what was coming
  • Started at Notre Dame College Prep

    Started at Notre Dame College Prep
    One of the worst decisions of my life
  • Addiction

    When covid started and I had nothing to do, I turned to drugs to cope with the hardships of being inside. This forced me to learned that I have addictive tendencies.
  • Social Anxiety

    Social Anxiety
    When I started at ND, I realized I wasnt similar to the other kids. It wasnt a me or them thing, we just didnt have the same intrests. But being a stupid freshman I thought It was my fault and developed a lot of social anxiety that I still deal with.
  • Rehab/Mental Hospital

    Rehab/Mental Hospital
    There was like a 3 month span where a went from rehab to the mental hospital
  • Self-Help

    Through rehab and the menal hospital I learned that no one is going to help you but you. If you want something it has to come from inside you, not people telling you they want it and just going along with it.
  • Started going to pathways

    Started going to pathways
    A credit redemption program that really helped me when I needed it
  • Gained confidence

    Gained confidence
    While at pathways and still feeling down and out, I started looking for new ways to make myself feel better. So I started caring a lot more on my appearance and talking to a lot more people I normally wouldn’t. These few simple changes allowed me to gain a lot of confidence and feel a lot better about myself. What can I say, I'm a social butterfly.
  • Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence
    Through the mental hospital/rehab/PHP, I heard a lot of different experiences of people who came from a wide variety of backgrounds. I learned what things made people feel certain ways and through that, becoming much more aware of my own and other peoples emotional states. This allowed me to better understand myself and the world around me
  • Started at Taft

    Started at Taft
    Went surprisingly better than I thought
  • Positivity

    After starting at taft and meeting my now girlfriend, it was the first time in a long time I felt pride and security in life. This allowed me to gain a much more positive outlook on the world around me and taught me that feeling bad and being pessimistic does nothing.
  • Started dating current girlfriend

    Started dating current girlfriend
    Shes the best. We were both in the same band