After developing for nine long months I was born on March 1st, 1995 weighing 7lbs 8oz, 22 inches long. I was born a healthy baby girl and was released from the hospital with my mom and dad two days later. I arrived just on time according to my original due date. -
The First 2 years: Biosocial
For the first five months of my life I was fed with some formula supplement. My mom tells me that over the course of the first two years I really developed a strong connection with my brother, Shawn who was born only a few months before me, and wanted him to do everything for me. -
The First 2 Years: Cognitive
I babbled a lot as a baby and had the tendency to follow my older brother around everywhere and anywhere. My sister however, we always seemed to get in play fights with eachother. I had typical developing speech and some of my first words were mama, dada, titty (Kitty), and peas (please). -
The First 2 Years: Psychosocial
I was a very happy baby , always had the biggest smile on my face, and had little seperation anxiety except when it came to leaving my mom. My older brother and sister played with me and I would always laguh and smile. My sister put on my brother and I first makeover. When it came to playing with other children, I got along well with everyone. I loved to be around other kids. -
The play years: Cognitive
Throughout my "play years" my language abilities began to develop rapidly. I could carry on conversations with adults and demonstrated grammatical knowledge. -
The play years: Psychosocial
During my "play years" I was extremely close to my parents as well as my siblings. They provided with me with so much love. I was very into playing with race cars (like my brother) and I really liked to play house. I had the whole house set with a kitchen and everything. -
The play years: Biosocial
I gained weight and grew according to a typical developing little girl. I loved to chew gum and I had a horrible experience where my brother took the gum out of his mouth and put it in my hair. Needless to say I had a bald spot for a few months. I joined preschool by age 4 and loved every minute of it. I also got into coach pitch softball by age 6. -
The school years: Cognitive
The school years really took off when I got to actually attend school for full days! I loved going and thought it was really cool that I got to go to the same place as my brother for the same amount of time. After school I would try and recall everything I did during my day to "show off" to them. -
The school years: Psychosocial
The school years is when I really developed close relationships with my friends. I started having more play dates outside of school and really got in to having sleep over parties with my friends. Although I still enjoyed playing with my siblings and anytime they had a group of their friends over I still wanted to be apart of the fun. -
The school years: Biosocial
I hit a growth spurt right when I turned seven. My mom told me that she remembers none of my pants fitting because I grew almost 2 inches! I was taller than a lot of my friends. However, after that i didn't have another big growth spurt for a few years. -
Adolescence: Biosocial
In 2009, I started highschool. This is when I really started to mature physically while hitting my final growth spurt. My freshman year of highschool I grew a inch. During my sophmore year of highschool is when I started dating my current boyfriend. During this time we became more interested in sexual activities and during our junior year of high school we started experimenting. -
Adolescences: psychosocial
During my adolescences is really when I found myself. I started volleyball and was still playing softball and absolutely loved it. It really helped define who I was. My life completely revolved around my sports and that is where I made most of my closest friends. Since we went to school together so our bond became even stronger. I also quickly became friends with a lot of the older kids at school since I was on a varsity sport. Sports was one of the things that everyone in my family related too. -
Adolescence: Cognitive
In 2013 I graduated from highschool. During my time in highschool I took a few advanced placement classes and took the ACTs in preparation for college. -
Emerging adulthood: Biosocial
My volleyball and softhall career had concluded once I graduated from highschool but the need to keep an active and healthy lifestyle was still present. Since my sports activities had ended I became obsessed with making sure I was eating healthy, working out, and maintaining a healthy weight -
Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive
I started college in the fall of 2013. I attended Schoolcraft Community College. I finished my prerequisits for my nursing major. Then transferred to the University of Toledo where I began my 2 year nursing program journey. And after 4 years of schooling I graduate from UT with a bachelors in nursing! -
Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial
My boyfriend and I celebrated our 6th year anniversary. We stayed together all through out college and now we are reaching a point in our relationship where we are finding ourselves ready for the next step. This phase is definitely a time where marriage is high on our list of priorities. -
Adulthood: biosocial
My husband and I keep up with a fairly healthy lifestyle. We have four beautiful children to live for so we make our health a priority. There have been some signs of normal aging but I have avoided things such as tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption to slow down the aging process. -
Adulthood: Cognitive
I have enrolled in classes for photography. This is something I did a long time ago and found to be something I enjoyed and was rather good at. I decided I wanted to learn more about it and possibly excel in the area from these classes. Just for some leisure activity. -
Adulthood: Psychosocial
My husband and I have been together for 34 years and have defyed the status quo of divorce rates! We have awesome relationships with our children and are expecting a few grandchildren in the near future! -
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial
My husband and I have both been retired for 5 years now and are loving it! I still spend a lot of my time volunteering at the local hospital while my husband loves to keep up with our garden. At the beginning of our retirement we took a few trips together. Overall, we are dealing with retirement quite well and are excited for the extra time we will have with our grandchildren! -
Late adulthood: Biosocial
My children and grandchild stop over every other day to check on my husband and I. They think that we can't entirely care for ourselves in our old age. Little do they know we would be just fine even if they didn't stop over. However, they mean well and we love the visits! It is always good them. -
late adulthood: Cognitive
At 83 years old my memory isn't what it used to be. Thankfully my children and grandchildren help remind me of the things that I need reminded of. They have written down important things that my husband and I may have forgetten, for example, when to take certain medications. -
Epilogue: death and dying
I would have been 90 years old this year. It is the year 2087 and I have jusst lost my husband three months ago. Since his death my health has slowly declined. I have always told my children that I want to pass away in the comfort of my own home. My family knew the time was coming and they all had gathered in my home. On June 5, 2087 I died a good death. I peacefully passed away during my sleep and joined my love in heaven.