• My childhood

    My childhood
    I was born in 2001 in cajica, my father is called javier mi mama yaneth, I have a sister seven years older I was very judicious since I was little, I started walking after 10 months I spoke to the year I liked animals and cars from a very small age the balloons I did the trancicion degree in pompilio school where I started acquiring knowledge was very prominent and very judicious I loved animals and the sport always excelled before all was very independent despite my young age
  • When I was little

    When I was little
    I was always one of the smartest, I was not shy at all, I was one of the highest of my class and excelled in sports, I was a municipal and departmental champion in athletics and I had other recognitions in football and at school I was always very active I loved horses and all kinds of sports I learned to love history and my country this stage of my life I forged my personality there were many changes but very important, I have always been very attached to my parents and family
  • My adolescence

    My adolescence
    It was hard to start arguing with my parents to clash with them, I was revelde I had disciplinary problems at school I did not want to study, I was still very good at sports, I lost the ninth grade for not going to school and playing football was hard was a time for me and for my mom was the one that suffered most with me I started to know many things many ways but despite my reveldia my values never lacked my adolescence was difficult
  • My current life

    My current life
    I am currently in another school to which I adapt very well, my life improved and had great changes, I met many people I left others now I am healing the eleventh grade, I have a beautiful family that I love and with which I try to improve daily I want my pades are proud, even if I do not have everything in life I am happy with the need I have a girlfriend that I love, some goals to fulfill and some parents to whom I will pay everything they bridled me
  • My goals and achievements

    My goals and achievements
    always and outstanding in many things in sports academics in everything that I propose to me thanks to it and formed a strong character of discipline and perseverance, always trying to get out and be beno in what I do to satisfy my goals and give pride to The people that roan me, I will continue to reap achievements throughout my life and my career trying to be the best in any activity or work that I develop.