My life

  • Berlin wall comes down

    Berlin wall comes down
    On November 1991 the Berlin wall came down. The Berlin wall was 91 miles long.
  • 911 Terrorist attack

    911 Terrorist attack
    On September 11, 2001 two planes crashed into the twin towers. It was planned months in advance that people where going to hijack planed and crash them into building. Luckily some of them failed.
  • When i was born

    I was born in 2006.
  • Trump elected

    Trump elected
    Trump was elected president of the united states of america on December 19, 2016. He is the 45 president. He is planning to build a wall.
  • When i graduated from elementary school

    When i graduated from elementary school
    I graduated from elementary school in 2017. It was a good day. Middle school is much more fun. Also i got some headphones.
  • First time going to lagoon

    First time going to lagoon
    The very first time i went to lagoon was may 2019. It was a fun day. The best ride was closed but it was still fun.
  • Got my braces off

    Got my braces off
    I got my braces of on august 2019. I like having no braces a lot better than having them. My teeth look much better now.
  • First day of 8th grade

    First day of 8th grade
    The first day of 8th grade was august 19, 2019. 8th grade is a lot better. Being a 7th grader is not that fun since you are the smallest in the school.