My Life

By asierD
  • Every start has a beginning

    I was born the 5 of March of 1997.
  • Childhood

    I don´t have a lot to say basically because I don´t remenber anything, but I have to say that I was a normal child. I liked to play football and basically do children things.
  • Adolescense

    I think that physically I didn´t have a huge change from the childhood until the adolescense. Nometheless, my way of seeing things and the way to think was changed completely.
  • Football

    Playing football has always be a part of my life. Since I was 8 years old I have been playing football and I have lived huge moments. Nevertheless, I think that my moment has gone and I´m not going to continue playing football in a competitive way.
  • Present

    I think that until last year I´m maturing and I´m changing my habits and that I´m changing physically. I like the life how it is and I want to enjoy and learn new things that I´m sure that there are a lot of them.