
My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on a stormy mothers day in a kitty pool in my living room. surrounded by my mom and dads friends, family, and my dogs.
  • First Day of school

    First Day of school
    This was the first day of starting preschool at Drummond Montessori elementary school. I never cried on the first day like most kids did on there first day. I was ready for this new part of my life and I didn't mind going off from my parents.
  • Creative

    My mom is an extremely creative person and I did all sorts of creative activity's throughout my life one in specific was when my mom, my brother, and I all took pottery at athletic field park. I got to be as creative as I wanted and my mom always supported my work she would display my peaces in our garden.
  • CAM Tutoring

    CAM Tutoring
    I struggled with reading when I was younger. I was put into a cross age mentoring program at my elementary school. At first I hated it but once I met my mentor I learned to love CAM and finally by 3rd grade I was at the same reading level of my classmates it was a huge accomplishment for me.
  • Circesteem

    I started my first circus classes at circusesteem. Those classes lead me into my life long love for circus. I even got into there performance team and I have loved doing circus ever since.
  • Optimistic

    I wasn't always so positive but one day I decided that it was better to look at the things in my life going right rather than the things in life going wrong this mindset has stuck with me and helped me through my life.
  • Determined

    There was a day in gymnastics when we had a wall handstand contest. I was so determined to win that I held a handstand for around 5 minutes until the girl I was against gave up and I won the contest/.
  • caring

    I went to go see a circus show with my friend from elementary school named Sandia. Sandia had downsyndrom and she was super sweet and even a bit sassy. lots of people wouldn't have gone out of there way to hang out with her because she was different but I did because she deserved a caring friend.
  • CAM Mentor

    CAM Mentor
    Since CAM had helped me so much I decided to come back as a mentor once I was old enough. I was paired with a girl named Kamya she was a handful but I had a ton of fun and she improved a lot in reading. I hope I influenced her life in a positive way just like my mentor did for me.
  • Starting academic center

    Starting academic center
    I went to Taft High School when I was in 7th grade through a program called the academic center it was extremely different and way more difficult than my elementary school. It started a completely new chapter of my life and now I am more advanced in Academics, have good friends, and a high chance at a good college because of all my credits.
  • Organized

    I started to become organized in 7th grade. When I started at the academic center at Taft high school. It was so different from my elementary. Before 7th grade I had never really gotten homework because it was not a Montessori method of teaching. Now I had to handle 7 different classes each with different binders, papers, folders, and notebooks. I taught myself how to be organized because it was a necessity in this new environment.
  • Hardworking

    In 7th grade I had received a D in science because I had never done much with science in elementary school, because of this all of the concepts were new to me. Most of the other kids already learned these concepts so the class went too fast for me to understand. I failed the summative and received a D first quarter. I decided to work extremely hard throughout the year and I ended the class with an A.
  • Independent

    I am very independent I have been cooking my own food, washing my own clothes, and taking the bus and train anywhere that I need to get.
  • breaking my ankle

    breaking my ankle
    I broke my ankle doing a back-flip at gymnastics practice. I remember the feeling of shock and the disgusted faces of my teammates as they stood in a circle around me looking down at my foot. I broke my fibula and tibula and my ankle had swollen so much it looked as if my bone was sticking out.I was in cast for a month and a walking boot for a month.
  • The day I quit gymnastics

    The day I quit gymnastics
    After rehabilitation from my ankle injury going back to gymnastics just didn't feel worth it and I was going to start high school soon. There was a small banquet in the basement of my park district and my coaches gave me and the other girls leaving the team at that time a nice little speech and a flower to say goodbye.
  • Working at The Complete Fool

    Working at The Complete Fool
    The Complete Fool is a juggling shop. Working there was my first job and It was the best thing to happen in my life. I found my calling of teaching circus and the boyfriend of my dreams. Without even knowing I gained a family and passion for my future all at The Complete Fool.
  • Involved

    I started to get really involved with high school activity's sophomore year when I was accepted onto the Varsity cheerleading football and competition team. I had always done solo sports so working together and competing in a group really sparked my love with being involved with activity's, sports, clubs, ect.
  • Leader

    I was a leader when I helped with choreography for Chicago the musical at Taft. I lead stretches and told everyone where I wanted them, and what I wanted to do. I gave notes yelled counts and had respect from students older than myself.
  • Midsummer Nights dream

    Midsummer Nights dream
    I played Hermia in Midsummer nights dream. This was my first lead role and my first time ever being cast in a play at Taft high school. I did the musical but receiving a role that other girls had fought me for in auditions was so rewarding. I loved preforming on stage and getting the opportunity to do something that I love.
  • brave

    This year my dog escaped out my garage I live on a very busy street and my neighbors had a dog who did the same thing and was hit. So I ran after her I ran into my busy street waving my arms and screaming running after her while trying to stop the cars. Thankfully I caught her and pulled her from the street. It was one of the bravest things I have ever done.