My Life

  • Born

  • Begins Kindergarten

    This is also when I started playing T-Ball! My very first best friend was Holly Jones! Mom says that she took me to my cubby on the first day of Kindergarten!
  • Middle School!

    Middle School!
    Middle School was definitely awkward! I started having "boyfriends" and even got my first kiss in 8th grade by Kyle Hamilton. Lots of school dances during these 3 years with my best friend Layna Cope. In 7th grade I started attending Hazelwood Baptist Church, which is where I met Ashleigh Cook.
  • High School

    High School
    High School was definitely not easy. I realized that I might be in love with my best friend. I wanted to go to Community College and go into the medical field.
  • First Love

    First Love
    Yep, I was in love with my best friend!
  • Graduates High School

    Finally, that was over!
  • 1st Marriage

    1st Marriage
    Lasted 2 years before I decided to be who I wanted to be and met my soon to be wife!
  • Divorce

  • Buys first House

    Buys first House
    It might be little, but it's ours!
    Cherokee, NC
  • Became Education Major

    Hello WCU!
  • Marry's Love of Life

    Marry's Love of Life
    Words can't describe how I felt on this day and everyday after!
  • Buys Family House

    Buys Family House
    Can't wait to move into the house that we will start our family in!
  • Graduates WCU

    Can't get here fast enough!